# Set up CyberArk Conjur for workspace-level secrets management


Existing external secrets references that are scoped to the project level will stop working when you switch to workspace-specific secrets management.


Secrets management is available to customers on specific pricing plans. Refer to your pricing plan and contract to learn more.

# Select the scope and set up CyberArk secrets management


Sign in to your Workato workspace.


Navigate to Workspace admin > Settings > Security > External secrets manager.


In Scope, select the option Set up secrets management for the entire workspace:

Set up secrets management for the entire workspaceSet up secrets management for the entire workspace


In the Which secrets manager do you want to use? field, select CyberArk Conjur:

Secrets management interface of a workspace Secrets management interface of a workspace


Click Set up connection.


Configure the following fields in Workato:

Configure CyberArk Conjur connection Configure CyberArk Conjur connection

  • Connection name

  • Name your CyberArk Conjur connection.

  • Connection type

  • Workato supports both cloud and on-prem connection types. If you plan to use an on-prem group, select one from the dropdown.

  • Server URL

  • To connect to Conjur Cloud, the server URL must follow this format:

  • Organization account name

  • To connect to Conjur Cloud, input conjur.

  • Login ID

  • For host authentication, the ID must be prefixed with host/, for example: host/workato-app/workato-user-1.

  • API key

  • Conjur generates an API key for every user when the user resource is created. Learn more about generating an API key in CyberArk Conjur's documentation (opens new window).

Last updated: 5/15/2024, 3:09:02 AM