# Calling APIs

APIs that are exposed through the API Platform console can be called from recipes in accounts other than one owning the recipe, as well as from third-party tools, programs, and scripts. The API manager must provide the Auth Token or JWT token value to the client to call any endpoints in an API Collection.

With raw content support, the API platform allow clients to send text based (for example, XML/SOAP) requests and receive custom responses from the API recipes exposed as endpoints. This extends the security benefits of Workato's recipes to API calls from other systems. Learn more.

# Authorization Headers

If the Access Profile specifies the Auth Token method of authentication, then the Auth Token value must be passed by the client as the value of the api-token header. If the authorization method is OAuth2.0 or JSON Web Token, then the value of the encoded and signed token is passed in the Authorization header, using the Bearer scheme.

Header Authentication method cURL Example
api-token Auth token -H 'api-token: 24ea2bf52b42b7345b9'
Authorization OAuth 2.0 & JWT token -H 'Authorization: Bearer 12cb1a7d5233'

# Calling An API Endpoint From A Recipe

An API endpoint that belongs to another user can be called from a recipe using the HTTP Connector. Select the Send request action of the Connector. The following screen shows a typical configuration for this action (in this case a POST request):

API Client Request API Client Request

Make sure that the type of request (POST, PUT, GET) matches the API that you are calling. Any required fields need to be specified in the body (for POST and PUT) or as query parameters in the URL (for GET).

Also, note that an api-token request header has been added. Its value should be set to the token that the API owner has supplied to you. (This assumes the Auth Token method of authentication).


Do not hard-code API tokens into input fields. Check out the recommended security best practices for guidance.

# Response Codes

Using the recipe test feature, you can run the recipe a single time and have it generate a call to the API. If successful, the API will return a 200 status and the recipe execution will continue to completion. There are several possible errors that can occur. These are the common ones:

Error code Error message Details
"access to this API has been disallowed" There is a problem with the API token, request configuration, or a violation of the access policy. You may also receive this error when the request URL is incorrect or the endpoint you called is not active.
Processing error
There is an issue with the API recipe and the job failed. It could be due to a mismatch between the request syntax and the expected syntax written in the recipe.
Too many requests
"concurrency limit exceeded" or "rate/quota limit exceeded" The request exceeded either the concurrency limit or the rate/quote limit set by the access policy.
Server error
The request parameters were missing or invalid for the API.
Gateway timeout
"recipe execution takes too long" The job took too long to respond. The default limit for API endpoints is 30 seconds, which is customizable.

In addition to the standard error codes in the preceding table, you may see custom response codes as defined in the API recipe.

Last updated: 12/10/2024, 3:05:53 AM