# AI by Workato - Summarize text action


AI by Workato is available for all users who use the US Data Center. You can opt-in to this feature by agreeing to our AI feature addendum (opens new window). Contact your Customer Success representative to learn more.

The summarize text action allows you to summarize long textual information easily. This action enables you to obtain summaries from any source and define the length of the output summary.

This action is versatile and can be used to augment multiple workflows across various departments within an organization. For example, you can use this action in sales workflows to summarize call transcripts and long email threads. Customer support teams can also use this action to quickly summarize long support tickets or product release notes into concise bullet points.

# Input

Input field Description
Source text Enter the text you plan to summarize. The limit is 2000 tokens.
Maximum words Specify the maximum number of words to include in the summary. If left blank, it will default to 200 words.

# Output

Output Description
Summary Summarized text returned by OpenAI.
Remaining calls The number of remaining calls Workato can execute out of the overall daily limit (100 calls).
Consumed calls The number of actions completed out of the overall daily limit (100 calls).
Reset time The time the daily limit resets.

Last updated: 3/28/2024, 12:48:07 AM

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