# Bamboo HR - Create/update time off request action

This action creates/updates a time off request on behalf of an employee in your Bamboo HR instance.

# Input

Create/update time off request action Create/update time off request action

Input field Description
Employee ID
The ID of the employee requesting for time off.
Time off type
The type of the time off requested. Select from the options provided or enter the type ID manually.
Start date
The start date of the time off. Select date or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format.
End date
The end date of the time off. Select date or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The status of the time off request. Select from the picklist or input either approved, requested or denied.
Break down amount per day
When enabled, a break down of the amount of time off taken by the employee per day needs to be provided. Allowed values are true or false.
Note Enter any notes you want to attach to the request. By default note will be made on behalf of the requesting employee.
Previous request ID When an existing request is selected, an update will be performed instead. Leave blank to create a new request.
required when specifying amount per date
Select date or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Enter a whole number indicating the number of days/hours to update the employee's balance by. You cannot specify the units to add. The unit will be whatever the time off type is configured for.

# Output

Output field Description
Status The status indicating the outcome of the request.

Last updated: 2/3/2023, 2:36:33 AM

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