# BigQuery - Run Custom SQL

This action allows you send a SQL string to BigQuery to be executed. This can be used when your SQL transaction spans multiple queries or when you need to run DML statements.

Output does not contain rows

This action does not return any row data. For custom SQL that does return rows, use our Get batch of rows by Job ID action to retrieve the resultant rows.

# Input fields

Field Description
Project The project available in the connection to be billed for the query.
Dataset The dataset which the action or trigger will pull the possible tables from.
Location The geographical location of where the job should be run. This field isn't required in most cases.
Query The SQL Statement to execute.
Use legacy SQL Toggle to true to use legacy SQL. Normally not configured.

# Output fields

Field Description
ID The ID of the job completed.
Kind The type of the BigQuery Job.
Job Reference Contain information about the job such as Project ID, Job ID and location.
State State of job. Most often, this value will be "DONE".
Statistics Contains information about the query time and total bytes processed by the job.
Configuration Contains information about the query configuration.
Status Contains error results and messages if any.
User email Email of the user who ran the job.

Last updated: 1/18/2022, 11:54:12 PM