# BIM 360 - New or updated document in a project folder trigger

The New or updated document in a project folder trigger monitors a BIM 360 project folder you specify for newly created or updated documents.

# Input

Input fields Description
Hub name Select the hub that contains the project you plan to monitor.
Project name Select the project that contains the folder you plan to monitor.
Folder Select the folder you plan to monitor.
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from Set the date and time to start capturing trigger events. This enables your recipe to capture past events. Learn more about this input field.

# Output

Output fields Description
Hub ID The BIM 360 ID of the hub that contains the document.
Project ID The BIM 360 ID of the project that contains the document.
Folder ID The BIM 360 ID of the folder that contains the document.
Item ID The BIM 360 ID of the document.
Item type The document's type.
Attributes Contains information about the document's attributes, such as their Name an Created at date.
Links Contains information about the document's link, such as its Href.
Relationships Contains information about the document's relationships, such as their Versions and Links.

Last updated: 2/26/2025, 8:05:06 PM

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