# Create sign request action

The Create sign request action allows you to create a sign request in Box. You can set up email notifications for signers, choose from predefined sign templates, and define the number of files for signature.

Create sign request action Box - Create sign request action

# Input

Input field Description
Name Enter a name for the sign request.
Sign template Select a predefined sign template or input a template ID. This fetches signers, source files, and destination folder details.
Files List the files you plan to include in the sign request. This field is limited to 10 files.
Signers Add up to 35 signers for the request. Signers do not need an existing Box account.
Destination folder Choose the folder where you plan to store the signed documents and signing log.
Enable Reminders Toggle to send reminders to signers on predefined days.
Enable text signature Toggle to allow text-based signatures.
Validity days Specify the number of days before the request expires.
Default declined redirect URL Set a URL where signers are redirected to if they decline to sign.
Email message Write a message to include in the sign request email.
Email subject Set a subject line for the sign request email.
External ID Associate the sign request with an ID from an external system.
Is document preparation needed? Indicate if document preparation is required before sending.
Is phone verification needed? Decide if signers must verify their identity through text message.
Prefill tags Set tags for prefilling document content.
Redirect URL Provide a URL where signers are redirected to upon signing.

# Output

Output field Description
ID Unique identifier for the sign request.
Type The type of action performed.
Are reminders enabled Status of reminder enablement.
Are text signatures enabled Status of text signature enablement.
Auto expire at Timestamp when the request will automatically expire.
Days valid Number of days the request remains valid.
Declined redirect URL URL where signers are redirected if they decline to sign a document.
Email message Email message content sent with the sign request.
Email subject Subject line of the sign request email.
External ID An external identifier for the sign request.
Is document preparation needed Indicates if document preparation is required.
Is phone verification required to view Indicates if phone verification is required to view the document.
Name Name given to the sign request.
Parent folder Folder where the signed document is stored.
Prefill tags Tags used for prefilling content in the document.
Prepare URL URL provided for document preparation.
Redirect URL URL for redirecting after the document is signed.
Sign files Files that are part of the sign request.
Signature color Color specified for the signature.
Signers List of signers involved in the sign request.
Signing log Log detailing the signing process.
Source files Original files used for the sign request.
Status Current status of the sign request.
Template ID The ID of the template used in the request.

Last updated: 3/28/2024, 6:15:43 PM

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