# Box Trigger - New/updated sign event

Triggers when a signature event is added to a file within a Box folder, or when a signature event is updated. This trigger checks the selected Box folder for new or updated signatures every ten minutes.

You must connect a Box account with admin level privileges or select manage enterprise properties in the OAuth scopes to use the New or updated sign event in folder trigger.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Trigger poll interval Use the drop-down menu to select how often the poll checks for new sign events. The default is thirty minutes if you leave this field blank.
Folder Use the drop-down menu to choose Select from list or Use folder ID.
Sign events Use the drop-down menu to select the sign events you plan to monitor.

# Output fields

The output fields vary depending on the type of event. The following example shows the output for a signature request event.

Field name Description
Created by The member who triggered the sign event.
Type The privilege level of the member who triggered the sign event. For example, user or admin.
ID The ID of the event.
Name The name of the member who triggered the event.
Login The login the member used to trigger the event.
Action by The action that met the trigger configuration.
Created at The timestamp of the event. For example, YYYY-MM-DDT21:43:44.000000-07:00.
Event ID The ID of the event. For example, 046774a2-dbbb-426e-b079-d505eb4cd957.
Event type The type of the event. For example, SIGN_DOCUMENT_VIEWED_BY_SIGNER
IP address The IP address of the member who triggered the event.
Type The type of action initiated the trigger. For example, event.
Session ID The ID of the event session.
Additional details Additional details display if available.
Sign Request ID The ID of the sign request. For example, f9f51c27-0674-4f1a-8acf-90f18749f95a.
Sign Request Short ID The short form of the request ID. For example, 427L3P6X.
Status The status of the event. For example, a sign request status may display as viewed.
Signer IP address The IP address of the member who signed the document.
Requester IP address The IP address of the member who requested the signature.
File ID The ID of the file with the event.
Type The type, file or folder.
Name The name of the file or folder. For example, SampleSignDocument.pdf.
Parent ID The ID of of the file.
Type The location type of the parent, such as folder.
Expires The expiration date of the request. For example, YYYY-MM-DDT21:38:59.000000-07:00.
Requester Displays detailed information for the requester.
ID The ID of the requester.
Type The member type of the requester. For example, user.
Name The name of the requester.
Login The login the requester used to trigger the event.
Signer Displays detailed information for the signer.
ID The ID of the signer.
Type The member type of the signer. For example, user.
Name The name of the signer.
Login The login the signer used to review the request.
Template The template name used to create the request. If no template was used, the value is null.
Sender message The subject and message the sent in the request. For example, the subject message may be: Sample Sign Document and the message: Sample Message.
Forward Indicates if the request was forwarded.
Batch send Indicates if the request was sent in a batch message to multiple members.
Ready sign link The link to the document with the requested signature.
ID The ID of the ready sign link.
Redirection Displays redirection information.
Redirect URL The redirected URL. If the link was not redirected, the values is "-".
Declined redirect URL The rejected URL redirect. If the link was not rejected for redirection, the values is "-".

Last updated: 11/3/2023, 8:24:13 PM