# SAP Concur

SAP Concur is a software that provides travel and expense management services to businesses all over the world.

# API version

The SAP Concur connector uses the following SAP Concur APIs:

Refer to the Scopes section for details on how these APIs relate to specific triggers and actions.

# How to connect to SAP Concur on Workato

The SAP Concur connector supports OAuth 2.0 authentication. It uses the refresh token grant flow for production instances and password grant for sandbox instances. Refer to the SAP Concur API documentation (opens new window) on Authentication for more information.

Field Description
Connection name Give this connection a unique name that identifies which SAP Concur instance it is connected to.
Implementation instance Select Yes to connect to a Concur implementation server.
For existing connections, this is left blank and defaults to No.
Authentication type Select Refresh token grant to authenticate using refreshed tokens. Contact your Concur account manager to receive these credentials. Otherwise, select Password grant to connect using a username and password.
Username Only required if using Password grant or connecting to an implementation instance.

Username to authenticate via password grant.
Password Only required if using Password grant or connecting to an implementation instance.

Password to authenticate via password grant.
Location Only required if using Password grant, Refresh token grant or connecting to an implementation instance.

Select the location of your Concur implementation server.
Client ID Only required if using Password grant, Refresh token grant or connecting to an implementation instance.

Client ID of your implementation application.
Client secret Only required if using Password grant, Refresh token grant or connecting to an implementation instance.

Client secret of your implementation application.

# Scopes

The credentials you use to set up the SAP Concur connection must have access to certain scopes depending on the triggers and actions you plan to use.

Each trigger and action in the connector uses a specific API version due to SAP Concur's granular versioning approach.

The following table lists:

  • The scopes required for each trigger and action.
  • The API name and version associated with each trigger and action.

Refer to the SAP Concur API Reference (opens new window) documentation for more information.

Name Scopes API group API name and version
New expense report trigger EXPRPT Expense Reports v3
New expense report submission trigger EXPRPT Expense Reports v3
New or updated expense report trigger EXPRPT Expense Reports v3
New or updated invoice trigger INVPMT Invoice Invoice v3
New or updated user trigger identity.user.ids.read,
User Identity v4
Create list item action spend.listitem.write,
Common List Item v4
Create user action user.provision.write,
User User Provisioning v4
Create users action (batch) user.provision.write,
User User Provisioning v4
Create vendors action (batch) INVVEN Invoice Vendor v3.1
Delete list item action spend.listitem.delete Common List Item v4
Get all attendee types action (batch) CONFIG Expense Expense Group Configurations v3
Get all expense group configurations action (batch) CONFIG Expense Expense Group Configurations v3
Get all expense types action (batch) CONFIG Expense Expense Group Configurations v3
Get all list item action (batch) spend.list.read Common List Item v4
Get all lists action spend.list.read Common List v4
Get all payment types action (batch) CONFIG Expense Expense Group Configurations v3
Get expense report details action expense.report.read Expense Reports v4
Get invoice details action INVPMT Invoice Invoice v3
Get itemizations of specific expense action expense.report.read Expense Expenses v4
Get user action travel.user.general.read,

User Travel Extension v4,

User Provisioning v4
Get user provisioning status details action user.provision.read User User Provisioning v4
Retrieve children of list item action spend.listitem.read Common List Item v4
Search expense reports action (batch) EXPRPT Expense Reports v3
Search users action (batch) identity.user.ids.read,
User Identity v4
Search vendors action (batch) INVVEN Invoice Vendor v3.1
Submit an expense report through a workflow action EXPRPT Expense Submit v1.1
Update user action user.provision.write,
User User Provisioning v4
Update user action (batch) user.provision.write,
User User Provisioning v4
Update vendors action (batch) INVVEN Invoice Vendor v3.1
Upload receipt image action IMAGE Receipt Image Image v3
Get entry image URL action IMAGE Receipt Image Image v1.0
Get expense report details action (deprecated) expense.report.read Expense Expenses v4
Get payment batch list action (deprecated) PAYBAT Expense Payment Batches v1.1

Last updated: 3/6/2025, 7:19:49 PM