# Create task action

The Create task action allows you to add a new task to a specified page in Confluence.

Create task actionConfluence - Create task action

# Input

Input field Description
Space key Input the key for the space where you plan to create the task. Find this key in the URL of the space's Confluence page.
Page title Specify the title of the page where the task is created.
Task status Set the status of the task as either incomplete or complete.
Task Describe the task details.
Username Enter the username of the individual responsible for the task.
Due date Select the due date for the task completion.

# Output

Output field Description
Page ID The unique identifier of the page created in Confluence.
Type The type of content created.
Status The current status of the page.
Title The title of the page.
Space Details of the space that contains the page.
History Historical information about the page.
Version Versioning information of the page.
Ancestors Information about the page's parent pages.
Container Information about the container of the page.
Body The full content of the body of the page.
Extensions Additional features associated with the page.
Links A collection of relevant URLs related to the page.
Expandable Fields that can be expanded to reveal more information.

Last updated: 2/23/2024, 11:25:46 PM

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