# Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Get Object Schema Action

This action retrieves the name and schema of a specific object in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Use this action to retrieve a schema and replicate it to a database or data warehouse.

# How It Works

# Basics

When the action runs, Workato requests the schema of the object you specify from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API.

If the request is successful, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API will respond with the object's name, label, and a list of fields that it contains.

For example: An account object contains name, emailaddress, and alternate_address fields. Click below to view the JSON response for this example object.

See example JSON response
         "label":"Email address ",
         "label":"Alternate Address",
               "label":"Internal value",

# Data Typing

Every field object also contains original_type and mapped_type properties. These properties indicate the data type of the field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the data type it maps to in Workato. These properties determine how data is typed when loaded into a database.

For example:

   "label":"Budget Amount",

In this example, the budget_amount field is typed as MoneyAttributeMetadata in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and maps to DECIMAL in Workato.

Refer to the Data type mapping section for more info.

# Input

Field Description
Object The object to retrieve from Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can select from a list of available objects or enter the name of an object.

If entering the name of an object, you may need to retrieve it from your app first.
View steps for app
  1. In your Dynamics 365 app, navigate to Settings (gear icon) > Advanced Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, click Customization > Customizations.
  3. Next, select Customize the System, then Entities.
  4. In the navigation on the left side of the page, locate and select the entity.
  5. In the General tab for the entity, locate the Name field.

# Output

The Output of this recipe will be an object detailing the Microsoft Dynamics 365 object's schema. This object contains a list of Field objects that describe the object's fields.

To view an example JSON object, refer to the Basics section.

# Object

Field Description
Name The name of the object. For example: account
Label The display label of the object. For example: Account
Custom If true, the object was created by a user.
Fields A list of fields the object contains. Refer to the Field object section to view the schema fields have.

# Fields

Every field in the retrieved object will contain the following fields:

Field Description
Name The name of the field. For example: emailaddress
Label The display label of the field. For example: Email Address
Length The maximum number of characters the field can hold. This value will be 0 for BOOLEAN fields or fields without limits.
Scale The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point. This value will be 0 for non-numeric fields.
Precision The maximum number of digits that the column can store, including numbers to the left and right of the decimal point. This value will be 0 for non-numeric fields.
Original type The data type of the field in Microsoft Dynamics 365. For example: StringAttributeMetadata
Mapped type The data type that original_type maps to in Workato. This type is used to determine the column's data type when it's loaded into a database. Learn more.
Custom If true, this field was created by a user.
Fields Applicable only to fields with an Original type value of BooleanAttributeMetadata, PicklistAttributeMetadata, StatusAttributeMetadata, or StateAttributeMetadata.

When present, the fields property will contain two nested fields: label and value. These fields have the same schema as a top-level field. For example:
         "label":"Internal value",
Note: The mapped_type value for a nested field is dependent on the name of the nested field:

  • label - This value will be STRING
  • value - If the parent field has an Original type value of BooleanAttributeMetadata, this value will be BOOLEAN. Otherwise, this value will be INTEGER.

# Reference

# Data Type Mapping

The following table details how Microsoft Dynamics 365 data types map to Workato data types.

The columns in this table are as follows:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Data Type - The field's original_type value
  • Workato Mapping Type - The field's mapped_type value

For example: A field with a original_type: BigIntAttributeMetadata value maps to a mapped_type: BIGINT value.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Data Type Workato Mapping Type
BigIntAttributeMetadata BIGINT
BooleanAttributeMetadata STRING
DateTimeAttributeMetadata DATETIME_TZ
DecimalAttributeMetadata DECIMAL
DoubleAttributeMetadata FLOAT
EntityNameAttributeMetadata STRING
FileAttributeMetadata STRING
ImageAttributeMetadata STRING
IntegerAttributeMetadata INTEGER
LookupAttributeMetadata STRING
MemoAttributeMetadaMemoAttributeMetadatata STRING
MoneyAttributeMetadata DECIMAL
MultiSelectPicklistAttributeMetadata STRING
PicklistAttributeMetadata STRING
StateAttributeMetadata STRING
StatusAttributeMetadata STRING
StringAttributeMetadata STRING
UniqueIdentifierAttributeMetadata STRING

Last updated: 10/20/2023, 5:28:19 PM