# Excel - Add a table action

This action adds a table in a specified Excel file.

# Input fields

Input field Description
File source File source of the spreadsheet, either from OneDrive or Sharepoint document library
Only if file source is Sharepoint
The Sharepoint site that spreadsheet belongs in.
File The file within the selected file source. Either select from the generated picklist or provide the file ID manually.
Worksheet Name of the worksheet where the table will be added to.
Range from The top left cell address where the table will start from. e.g. A1
Range to The bottom right cell address where the table will end. e.g. B2
Has headers? Boolean value that indicates whether the range has column labels. If the source does not contain headers (i.e. when this property set to No), Excel will automatically generate header shifting the data down by one row.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Table Metadata describing the table created

Last updated: 3/22/2023, 4:16:34 AM