# Send email action

This action sends an email from your Gmail account. Each email is processed as an individual job.

# Input fields

Input field Description
To Provide one or more recipient email addresses, separated by a comma.
Subject Provide a subject for the email.
Email type Select the format of the email message. Available options include Text and HTML.
Message Use plain text if the selected email type is Text; otherwise, use HTML formatting.
From Provide an alias email ID or name from which you plan to send the email. Configure your alias email ID in Gmail by navigating to Settings > Accounts > Send email as. Leave this field blank to send an email from the email address connected to Workato.
Bcc Provide one or more email addresses to send a blind carbon copy (bcc), separated by a comma.
Cc Provide one or more email addresses to send a carbon copy (cc), separated by a comma.
Attachments Provide the attachments for the email. The total attachments size must be less than 25 MB.


To send an email to multiple email addresses using a list datapill in Gmail, complete the following steps using the pluck and join list formulas:


Set the To field to Formula mode by clicking the formula icon next to the field.


Drag the list datapill containing the email addresses into the To field.


Type .pluck("email_address").join(",") after the list datapill. Use the field's API name to extract the email addresses instead of the label or name displayed in the datapill.

The .pluck("email_address") function extracts the email addresses from each item in the list, and .join(",") combines them into a single string separated by commas.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a datatree that contains information about the sent email. Refer to the Gmail API documentation to learn more about this method (opens new window).

Output field Description
ID The unique identifier for the email.
Thread ID The identifier for the email thread.
Label IDs The identifiers for the labels attached to the email.

Last updated: 8/29/2024, 10:14:07 PM