# List and Hash formulas

In addition to the basic data types (for example, string and integer), you may encounter more complex data structures that contain information about multiple items or multiple pieces of information about a single item.

You may encounter these data structures:

Formulas in Workato are added to allowlists for Ruby methods, and therefore not all Ruby methods are supported. Reach out to us (opens new window) to add additional formulas to the allowlist.

# Lists (arrays)

Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object. List indexing starts at 0. Lists and arrays refer to the same data structure.

In the example below, a list of integers is expressed as:

number_list = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]

As lists are ordered, we can use the following formula to get the values. Workato only supports retrieving up to the fifth item using this syntax.

Formula Result
number_list.first 100
number_list.second 101
number_list.third 102
number_list.fourth 103
number_list.fifth 104
number_list.last 104

We can also use indexes to get corresponding values. Remember, indexes start at 0:

Formula Result
number_list[0] 100
number_list[1] 101
number_list[2] 102
number_list[3] 103

Lists in Ruby supports negative indexes.

Formula Result
number_list[-1] 104
number_list[-2] 103
number_list[-3] 102
number_list[-4] 101

Lists also support ranges as indexes. This returns another list, instead of returning only a value.

Formula Result
number_list[0..2] [100, 101, 102]
number_list[-3..-1] [102, 103, 104]
number_list[0..-2] [100, 101, 102, 103]

# Hashes

A hash is a dictionary-like collection of unique keys and their values. They are similar to Lists, but where a List uses integers as its index, a Hash allows you to use any object type. Hashes enumerate their values in the order that the corresponding keys were inserted.

Let's take the example of a hash with 2 values, with 'Acme widgets' and 10 as the values of item_name and item_quantity respectively.

line_item = { 'item_name' => 'Acme widgets', 'item_qty' => 10 }
Formula Result
line_item["item_name"] "Acme widgets"
line_item["item_qty"] 10

# Lists of hashes

Here is an example of an invoice which has multiple line items. It is represented as a list of hashes.

line_items = [
  { 'item_no': 1, 'item_name' => 'Acme widgets', 'item_qty' => 10 },
  { 'item_no': 2, 'item_name' => 'RR bearings',  'item_qty' => 99 },
  { 'item_no': 3, 'item_name' => 'Coyote tyres', 'item_qty' => 7 }

# Example list of hashes

The following is an example of a list of hashes called Contacts.

This is the Contacts list in a table form:

name email state company company_rev
Joe [email protected] CA ABC 1000
Jill [email protected] MA NBC 1000
Joan [email protected] MA NBC 10000
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

This is the Contacts list in a list of hashes form.

    'name' => 'Joe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'ABC',
    'company_rev' => 1000,
    'description' => { 'summary' => 'First time buyer', 'estimated_value' => 300 }
    'name' => 'Jill',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'MA',
    'company' => 'NBC',
    'company_rev' => 1000,
    'description' => { 'summary' => 'Referral', 'estimated_value' => 500 }
    'name' => 'Joan',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'MA',
    'company' => 'NBC',
    'company_rev' => 10000,
    'description' => { 'summary' => 'Recurring customer', 'estimated_value' => 900 }
    'name' => 'Jack',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'HBO',
    'company_rev' => 30000,
    'description' => { 'summary' => 'Recurring customer', 'estimated_value' => 1000 }

# List formulas

# first

This formula returns the first item in a list.

It can also be used to return the first n items in a list. In this case, the output will be formatted as a list.

# Syntax


  • List - An input list.
  • number - (optional) The number of items to retrieve from the list. If not specified, the formula will return only one item.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"].first() "One"
["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"].first(2) ["One","Two"]
[1,2,3,4,5].first() 1
[1,2,3,4,5].first(3) [1,2,3]

# How it works

This formula returns the first n items from a list. If n is greater than one, the output is formatted as a list.

Output datatype

If you are returning a single item (i.e. no arguments provided). The output will be formatted according to the item's datatype.

If you are returning more than one item. The output will be formatted as a list datatype.

# See also

  • last: Returns the last n items in a list.
  • where: Returns a subset of list items that meet a certain condition.

# last

This formula returns the last item in a list.

It can also be used to return the last n items in a list. In this case, the output will be formatted as a list.

# Syntax


  • List - An input list.
  • number - (optional) The number of items to retrieve from the list. If not specified, the formula will return only one item.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"].last() "Five"
["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"].last(2) ["Four","Five"]
[1,2,3,4,5].last() 5
[1,2,3,4,5].last(3) [3,4,5]

# How it works

This formula returns the last n items from a list. If n is greater than one, the output is formatted as a list.

Output datatype

If you are returning a single item (i.e. no arguments provided). The output will be formatted according to the item's datatype.

If you are returning more than one item. The output will be formatted as a list datatype.

# See also

  • first: Returns the first n items in a list.
  • where: Returns a subset of list items that meet a certain condition.

# index

Returns the index of the first item matching the given value. Returns nil if no matching items are found.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input list.
  • value - The value to search for in the list.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[4, 5, 6, 7].index(6) 2
[4, 5, 6, 7].index(8) nil

# where

Retrieves only the rows (hashes) which satisfy the specified WHERE condition. This formula accepts a single argument in the form of a hash with one or more key-value pairs.

The default operand for the condition is equal to (==). This formula also supports the following operands. Operands should be added to the end of key separated by a space.

Name Notation Example
Equal to (default) == leads.where('state': 'CA')
More than > leads.where('company_revenue >': 10000)
More than or equal to >= leads.where('company_revenue >=': 10000)
Less than < leads.where('company_revenue <': 10000)
Less than or equal to <= leads.where('company_revenue <=': 10000)
Not equal to != leads.where('state !=': 'CA')

Use datapills as the conditional argument

Instead of using a static value (for example, 'CA'), you can use a datapill as the conditional argument. The value of the datapill will be processed at run-time.

contacts.where(state: datapill )

# Sample usage

Example of a single where condition

contacts.where('state': 'CA') returns the following rows:

name email state company company_rev
Joe [email protected] CA ABC 1000
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

These rows will be expressed as a list of hashes:

    'name' => 'Joe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'ABC',
    'company_rev' => 1000
    'name' => 'Jack',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'HBO',
    'company_rev' => 30000
Example of compound where formula

A compound WHERE formula will retrieve only the rows that matches all the conditions.

contacts.where('state': 'CA', 'company_revenue >=': 10000)

Returns the following rows:

name email state company company_rev
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

These rows will be expressed as a list of hashes:

    'name' => 'Jack',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'HBO',
    'company_rev' => 30000


Only the last condition is considered when you apply multiple conditions to the same key in a compound WHERE formula. This overrides previous conditions, and can lead to unexpected outcomes.

The following example shows that applying multiple conditions for state, returns only rows that contain the second MA key:

contacts.where('state': 'CA', 'state': 'MA')

returns only rows with states that are MA:

name email state company company_rev
Jill [email protected] MA NBC 1000
Joan [email protected] MA NBC 10000

These rows will be returned as a list of hashes.

    'name' => 'Jill',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'MA',
    'company' => 'NBC',
    'company_rev' => 1000
    'name' => 'Joan',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'MA',
    'company' => 'NBC',
    'company_rev' => 10000
Example of multiple matches

You can filter out records based on a particular field against more than 1 value. This is done by passing an array value in the WHERE condition.

contacts.where('company': ['ABC','HBO'])

This WHERE condition will return rows where the company is either ABC or HBO:

name email state company company_rev
Joe [email protected] CA ABC 1000
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

These rows will be returned as a list of hashes.

    'name' => 'Joe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'ABC',
    'company_rev' => 1000
    'name' => 'Jack',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'HBO',
    'company_rev' => 30000
Example where condition with pattern matching

You can also filter out records using regex. This is done by passing a regex instead of a string.

contacts.where('name': /^Jo/)

This WHERE condition will return rows where the name starts with Jo:

name email state company company_rev
Joe [email protected] CA ABC 1000
Joan [email protected] MA NBC 10000

These rows will be expressed as a list of hashes:

    'name' => 'Joe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'ABC',
    'company_rev' => 1000
    'name' => 'Joan',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'MA',
    'company' => 'NBC',
    'company_rev' => 10000
Example where condition with pattern matching (using datapills)

You may use data pills within a regex pattern to dynamically change the string that you are matching. However, using variables in a regex pattern requires escaping within the regex expression.

For example: contacts.where(state: /#{ datapill }/)

The image below shows the method used to obtain all the 'Emails' in lookup table where the value in the 'State' column contains the string in the datapill from Salesforce, State | Step 2.

Datapill in regex expression Using datapills in regex expressions

Note: All regex metacharacters will need to be escaped if they should not be interpreted as metacharacters.

Example of chaining where conditions

If a series of WHERE conditions are chained, the formula evaluates each where condition in series.

contacts.where('state': 'CA').where('company_revenue >=': 10000) returns the following rows, which is the same as the compound where formula:

name email state company company_rev
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

In this case, however, the chaining will result in an intermediary array:

contacts.where('state': 'CA') first returns:

name email state company company_rev
Joe [email protected] CA ABC 1000
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

And .where('company_revenue >=': 10000) filters this intermediary array further to return only:

name email state company company_rev
Jack [email protected] CA HBO 30000

Results will be expressed as a list of hashes:

    'name' => 'Jack',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'state' => 'CA',
    'company' => 'HBO',
    'company_rev' => '30000'
Example of chaining not operator

You can use the WHERE formula to find the difference between two arrays by chaining a not operator. This is useful if you have two lists, an original list and an updated list, and plan to compare the two to ensure the updated list contains all values from the original list.

For example: contacts.where.not("id":updated_contacts.pluck('id')) identifies any values that are present in the original list (contacts) and missing from the updated list (updated_contacts).

# except

Returns a hash that includes everything except given keys.

hash = { a: true, b: false, c: nil }
hash.except(:c)     # => { a: true, b: false }
hash.except(:a, :b) # => { c: nil }
hash                # => { a: true, b: false, c: nil }

# pluck

Retrieves only the columns which have been specified.

# Sample usage

Example of a single column output

contacts.pluck("email") returns

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

If a single column, results will be returned as an array:

Example of a multiple column dataset

contacts.where("state ==": "CA").pluck("email", "company") returns

email company
[email protected] ABC
[email protected] NBC
[email protected] NBC
[email protected] HBO

Results are returned as a list of a list:

[["[email protected]", "ABC"], ["[email protected]", "NBC"], ["[email protected]", "NBC"], ["[email protected]", "HBO"]]
Example of retrieving nested fields

This method can be used to extract nested fields. Use the [<1st-level field>,<2nd-level field>...] format to define which fields to retrieve.

contacts.pluck("email", ["description", "summary"]) returns

email summary
[email protected] First time buyer
[email protected] Referral
[email protected] Recurring customer
[email protected] Recurring customer

Results are returned as a list of lists:

  ["[email protected]", "First time buyer"],
  ["[email protected]", "Referral"],
  ["[email protected]", "Recurring customer"],
  ["[email protected]", "Recurring customer"]

# format_map

Create an array of strings by formatting each row of given array of hashes. Allows you to add static text to the created strings as well. Fields to be represented in the format %{<field_name>}.

# Sample usage

contacts.format_map('Name: %{name}, Email: %{email}, Company: %{company}') returns

  'Name: Joe, Email: [email protected], Company: ABC' ,
  'Name: Jill, Email: [email protected], Company: NBC' ,
  'Name: Joan, Email: [email protected], Company: NBC' ,
  'Name: Jack, Email: [email protected], Company: HBO' ,

The preceding example will give you a list of strings, one string for each row of the list "contacts", using data from 3 of the fields: name, email, and company, as stated.

# join

Combines all items in a list into a text string. A separator is placed between each item.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.
  • separator - The character to add between items when they are joined. If no separator is specified, the list items will be joined together.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["Ms", "Jean", "Marie"].join("-") "Ms-Jean-Marie"
[1,2,3].join("--") "1--2--3"
["ab", "cd", "ef"].join "abcdef"

# How it works

The list items are combined into a single text string. The separator characters is added between each item.

Separator character

You can use a string of characters together as the separator argument (for example, ", ").

["Open","Pending","Closed"].join(", ") returns "Open, Pending, Closed".

# See also

  • split: Divides a string around a specified character and returns an array of strings.

# smart_join

Joins list elements into a string. Removes empty and nil values and trims any white space before joining.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.
  • separator - The character to add between items when they are joined. If no separator is specified, a blank space will be used as the joining character.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[nil, "", "Hello", " ", "World"].smart_join(" ") "Hello World"
["111 Vinewood Drive", "", "San Francisco", "CA", "95050"].smart_join(",") "111 Vinewood Drive, San Francisco, CA, 95050"

# concat

Concatenates 2 lists into a single list. Nested lists will NOT be flattened.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.
  • list_to_be_joined - The other list to be concatenated with the original list input.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["Hello", "World"].concat(["Workato", "Rocks"]) ["Hello", "World", "Workato", "Rocks"]
["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array", "Here"]].concat(["Workato", "Rocks"]) ["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array", "Here"], "Workato", "Rocks"]
["Hello", "World", nil, ["Sub-array", "Here"]].concat(["Workato", "Rocks"]) ["Hello", "World", nil, ["Sub-array", "Here"], "Workato", "Rocks"]

# reverse

Reverses the order of a list.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["Joe", "Jill", "Joan", "Jack"].reverse ["Jack", "Joan", "Jill", "Joe"]
[100, 101, 102, 103].reverse [103, 102, 101, 100]

# sum

For integers and decimals, the numbers will be added together and the total sum obtained. For strings, the strings will be concatenated together to form a longer string.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[1, 2, 3].sum 6
[1.5, 2.5, 3].sum 7.0
["abc", "xyz"].sum "abcxyz"

# uniq

Returns a list containing unique items.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["joe", "jack", "jill", "joe", "jack"].uniq ["joe","jack", "jill"]
[1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3].uniq [1, 2, 3]
[1.0, 1.5, 1.0].uniq [1.0, 1.5]

# flatten

Flattens a multi-dimensional array (i.e. array of arrays) to a single dimension array.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]].flatten [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[[1, [2, 3], 3], [4, 5, 6]].flatten [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[[1, [2, 3], 9], [9, 8, 7]].flatten [1, 2, 3, 9, 9, 8, 7]

# length

Returns the number of elements in self. Returns 0 if the list is empty.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].length 5
[{..}, {..}, {..}].length 3
[" ", nil, "", nil].length 4
[].length 0

# max

Returns largest value in an array. When comparing numbers, the largest number is returned. When comparing strings, the string with the largest ASCII value is returned.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[-5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].max 5
[-1.5, 1.5, 2, 3, 3.5].max 3.5
["cat", "dog", "rat"].max "rat"

# min

Returns smallest value in an array. When comparing numbers, the smallest number is returned. When comparing strings, the string with the smallest ASCII value is returned.

# Syntax


  • List - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
[-5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].min -5
[-1.5, 1.5, 2, 3, 3.5].min -1.5
["cat", "dog", "rat"].min "cat"

# compact

Removes nil values from array and hash.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["foo", nil, "bar"].compact ["foo", "bar"]
{ foo: 1, bar: nil, baz: 2 }.compact { foo: 1, baz: 2 }

# Conditionals

# blank?

This formula checks the input string and returns true if it is an empty string or if it is null.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
"Any Value".blank? false
123.blank? false
0.blank? false
"".blank? true

# How it works

If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return true. For any other data, it returns false.

# See also

  • presence: Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
  • present?: Returns true if there is a valid input.

# include?

Checks if the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains an element. Returns true if it does.

# Syntax


  • Input - A string or list input.
  • substring_or_element - The substring or element to check for.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
"Partner account".include?("Partner") true
"Partner account".include?("partner") false
["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array","Here"]"].include?("Hello") true
["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array","Here"]"].include?(["Sub-array","Here"]) true

# How it works

This formula check is the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains a specific element. Returns true if it does, otherwise, returns false. The substring comparison is case sensitive, and the element comparison is exact match.

This function acts in an opposite manner from exclude?. The latter will return true only if the input string/list does NOT contain the stated keyword/element.

# See also

  • exclude?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains an element. Returns false if it does.

# exclude?

Checks if the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains an element. Returns false if it does.

# Syntax


  • Input - A string or list input.
  • substring_or_element - The substring or element to check for.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
"Partner account".exclude?("Partner") false
"Partner account".exclude?("partner") true
["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array","Here"]"].include?("Hello") false
["Hello", "World", ["Sub-array","Here"]"].include?(["Sub-array","Here"]) false

# How it works

This formula check is the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains a specific element. Returns false if it does, otherwise, returns true. The substring comparison is case sensitive, and the element comparison is exact match.

This function acts in an opposite manner from include?. The latter will return true only if the input string/list contains the stated keyword/element.

# See also

  • include?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring, or if a list contains an element. Returns true if it does.

# present?

This formula will check the input and if there is a value present, it will return true. If the input is nil, boolean false, an empty string, or an empty list, the formula will return false.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
"Any Value".present? true
123.present? true
0.present? true
"2017-04-02T12:30:00.000000-07:00".present? true
nil.present? false
"".present? false
[].present? false

# How it works

If the input is null, an empty string or an empty list, the formula will return false. For any other data, it returns true.

Evaluating a list with nil values

  • Only an empty list will return false.

[].present? returns false.

  • A list with nil and empty string will return true.

[nil,""].present? returns true.

# See also

  • presence: Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
  • blank?: Returns nil if the data does not exist or if the string consist of only white spaces.

# presence

Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
nil.presence nil
"".presence nil
"Any Value".presence "Any Value"
45.0.presence 45.0
0.presence 0

# How it works

If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return nil. For any other data, it returns the original input data.

# See also

  • blank?: Returns nil if the data does not exist or if the string consist of only white spaces.
  • present?: Returns true if there is a valid input.

# Conversion

The following formulas allows you to convert data from arrays to other data types

# to_csv

Generates CSV line from an array. This handles escaping. Nil values and empty strings will also be expressed within the csv line.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input of list datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
["John Smith", "No-Email", " ", nil, "555-1212"].to_csv "John Smith,No-Email, ,,555-1212"
["John Smith", "No-Email", " ", nil, 1212].to_csv "John Smith,No-Email, ,,1212"

# to_json

Converts hash or array to JSON string.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input datapill. It can be a list or hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{"pet" => "cat", "color" => "gray"}.to_json {"pet":"cat","color":"gray"}
["1","2","3"].to_json ["1", "2", "3"]

# to_xml

Converts hash or array into XML string.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input datapill. It can be a list or hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{"name" => "Ken"}.to_xml(root: "user") <user><name>Ken</name></user>
[{"name" => "Ken"}].to_xml(root: "users") <users><user><name>Ken</name></user></users>

# from_xml

Converts XML string to hash.

# Syntax


  • Input - Input XML data.

# Sample usage

Converting XML string to hash

This XML string:

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> <hash><foo type="integer">123</foo></hash>

represents the following XML data.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>

  <foo type="integer">123</foo>

XML string.from_xml will return the following hash.

{ "hash":
  [ "foo":
      { "@type": "integer",
        "content!": "1"

# encode_www_form

Join hash into url-encoded string of parameters.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input of hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{"apple" => "red green", "2" => "3"}.encode_www_form "apple=red+green&2=3"

# to_param

Returns a string representation for use as a URL query string.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input of hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{name: 'Jake', age: '22'}.to_param "name=Jake&age=22"

# keys

Returns an array of keys from the input hash.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input of hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{"name" => 'Jake', "age" => '22'}.keys ["name", "age"]

# values

Returns an array of values from the input hash.

# Syntax


  • Input - An input of hash datatype.

# Sample usage

Formula Result
{"name" => 'Jake', "age" => '22'}.values ["Jake", "22"]

# List operands

# Difference (-)

Returns the difference between two arrays, meaning a new array that is a copy of the first array without any of the items also present in the second array.

# Syntax

list - updated_list

  • - the difference/subtract operand
  • list - the original list
  • updated_list - an updated list

# Sample usage

Let's say you have two arrays, contacts and updated_contacts:

contacts = ["Ariel", "Max", "Kai", "Noam", "Tal"]

updated_contacts = ["Ariel", "Max", "Kai", "Lee", "Quinn"]

Formula Result
contacts - updated_contacts ["Noam", "Tal"]
updated_contacts - contacts ["Lee", "Quinn"]

# How it works

This operand creates an array that is the difference between the two arrays. The first example, contacts - updated_contacts, returns an array of items present in contacts but not present in updated_contacts. It's important to note that this does not simply remove duplicate items; if we reverse the order of operations, we obtain different results. For example, when we find the difference between updated_contacts and contacts, the new array contains items that are present in updated_contacts, and not present in contacts.

# See also

  • where: Returns a subset of list items that meet a certain condition. Reference the example on chaining not operands to use where to compare two lists.

# Union (&)

While Workato does not support the union (&) operand to manipulate arrays directly, you can achieve a similar result by combining the concat and uniq formulas.

# Syntax


  • list - a list
  • concat - concatenates two lists into a single list
  • updated_list - an updated list
  • uniq - returns a list containing unique values

# Sample usage

Formula Result
contacts.concat(updated_contacts).uniq ["Ariel", "Kai", "Lee", "Max", "Noam", "Quinn", "Tal"]

# How it works

concat concatenates two lists into a single list, and uniq returns a list containing unique items. You can combine two lists and remove any duplicate items that may appear by combining the two formulas.

Last updated: 5/17/2024, 7:31:34 PM