# Gong Connector - New call (Real-time)

This trigger checks for new call in Gong. Triggers on automation rules in Gong. To set this up, you will need to create an automation rule in Gong. Assign filters for this rule to match what calls you want to be picked up by this trigger.

# Input

Field Description
Event name
Provide a unique event name to generate endpoint URL.

# Output

Call specific output fields will be dynamically rendered base on the calls you select. A sample response structure is below.

Field Description
Collaboration An object containing a list of public comments. Each public comment contains details like audio start time, audio end time, comment user ID, and the comment text, among other fields.
Content An object with the information pertaining to structure, topic, trackers, and points of interest.
Context List of objects that contains the relevant fields, object ID, object type, as well as source system details.
Interaction An object with the information pertaining to interaction stats, questions, speakers, and video.
Media An object containing the video and audio URL of the call, as applicable.
Metadata Contains all the metadata of the call including title, duration, workspace, etc.
Parties List of parties that were involved in the call. Each party object contains details like name, email address, affiliation, etc.

Last updated: 4/5/2023, 11:28:53 AM

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