# HubSpot - New record triggers

The HubSpot connector supports the following new record triggers:


The following triggers are deprecated:

  • The New company trigger
  • The New contact trigger

Use the New record trigger instead.

# New record trigger

The New record trigger monitors HubSpot for new objects of the type you specify once every poll interval and processes each as a separate job.

This trigger supports the following objects:

  • Contact
  • Company
  • Deal
  • Product
  • Ticket
  • Line Item
  • Quote
  • Custom Objects

# Input fields

Input field Description
Object Select the type of object you plan to monitor.
Properties Select the object properties you plan to retrieve. If this field is left blank, the trigger returns HubSpot's default properties for the selected Object type. This trigger supports custom properties (opens new window).
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from Set the date and time to start picking up trigger events. This enables your recipe to capture past events. Learn more about this input field.


This trigger supports Trigger conditions that you can use to filter incoming trigger events.

# Output fields

Output field Description
ID The HubSpot ID of the object.
Date created The timestamp indicating when the object was created.
Date updated The timestamp indicating when the object was last updated.
Archived Indicates whether the object is archived.


In addition to the preceding fields, the New record trigger provides a data tree with attributes and values for the specified Object. Additional fields depend on the Properties you select. Refer to HubSpot's Properties (opens new window) guide for more information about retrievable properties.

# New contact in contact list trigger

The New contact in contact list trigger monitors a specific HubSpot contact list for new contacts. A new contact refers to a contact that is created directly within the specified contact list and did not exist previously in HubSpot.

The trigger processes each new contact as a separate job. During the initial run, the trigger retrieves all contacts from the specified contact list, regardless of when they were added.

# Input fields

Input field Description
List Select the contact list you plan to monitor. The drop-down menu contains the first 1,000 contact lists. Alternatively, select Enter list ID to change the field to accept a List ID, then input the HubSpot ID of the contact list.
Property mode Specify whether to retrieve the properties' version history in addition to their values.
Show list memberships Specify whether to retrieve information about the lists that contain the contact.
Properties Select the contact list properties you plan to retrieve. If this field is left blank, the trigger returns all properties. This trigger supports custom properties (opens new window).


This trigger supports Trigger conditions that you can use to filter incoming trigger events.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Added at The timestamp when the contact was added to the list.
Vid The HubSpot ID of the contact.
Canonical vid The original HubSpot ID of the contact, maintained through merges and updates.
Portal ID The HubSpot ID of the portal that contains the contact.
Is contact Indicates whether the record is a contact.
Profile token A unique token for the contact's HubSpot profile.
Profile URL The URL for the contact's HubSpot profile.


The New contact in contact list trigger provides additional output fields based on the Properties you select. Refer to HubSpot's default contact properties (opens new window) guide for more information about retrievable contact properties.

# New records trigger (batch)

The New records batch trigger monitors HubSpot for newly created objects of the type you specify every poll interval and processes each batch as a separate job.

This trigger supports the following objects:

  • Contact
  • Company
  • Deal
  • Ticket

# Input fields

Input field Description
Object Select the type of object you plan to monitor.
Properties Select the object properties you plan to retrieve. If this field is left blank, the trigger returns all properties. This trigger supports custom properties (opens new window).
Filter Groups Add filters to specify conditions that a created record must meet to trigger a job. If you add multiple filter groups, they are evaluated using a logical AND operator. You can add up to two filter groups. You cannot use the created date as a property for filtering.
Batch size Specify the number of records to return in each job. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 100, which is also the default.
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from Set the date and time to start picking up trigger events. This enables your recipe to capture past events. Learn more about this input field.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Range The range of records retrieved.
First ID The ID of the first record in the retrieved batch.
Last ID The ID of the last record in the retrieved batch.


The New record trigger's remaining output fields vary based on your selected Properties. Refer to HubSpot's Properties (opens new window) guide for more information about retrievable properties.

Last updated: 12/16/2024, 3:45:17 PM