# JWT - Generate JWT action
This action allows you to create a JSON Web Token by specifying the payload and header details. This action rounds down the values for iat
, exp
, and nbf
to the nearest second.
JWT - Generate JWT action
# Input
The data about the entity and additional metadata, encoded as a JSON object.
The principal subject of the JWT.
Issued at (iat)
The timestamp of when the JWT was issued.
Expiration time (exp)
The timestamp for when the JWT is set to expire.
Not before Time (nbf)
The timestamp before which the JWT is not valid.
Issuer (iss)
The issuer of the JWT.
Audience (aud)
The recipients of the JWT.
JWT ID (jti)
A unique identifier for the JWT.
The scopes included in the JWT.
Custom claims
Additional claims or data included in the JWT.
The token type and the algorithm used for signing, encoded as a JSON object.
- Key ID (kid)
- The key identifier used to sign the JWT.
# Output
- JSON web token
- The encoded JWT string.
Last updated: 12/16/2023, 7:57:16 AM