# Update object action
This action updates an object in your Marketo instance.
# Input fields
Field | Description |
Object | Select the object you plan to update. Options include Opportunity, Lead, Smart campaign, and Custom object. |
Refer to the relevant sections to learn how to configure the input fields for the object you plan to update:
# Opportunity input fields
Field | Description |
Opportunity ID / External opportunity ID | Provide the unique ID. Opportunity ID is required when Dedupe by is set to ID field; External opportunity ID is required when set to Deduplication fields. |
Dedupe by | Select the fields to deduplicate by. Options include Deduplication fields and ID field. Set to Deduplication fields by default. |
External opportunity campaign ID | Enter the campaign ID associated with the opportunity from an external source. |
Amount | Fill in the total amount for the opportunity. |
Close date | Enter the date when the opportunity is expected to close. |
Description | Provide a brief description of the opportunity. |
Expected revenue | Fill in the estimated revenue expected from the opportunity. |
External company ID | Enter the external ID for the company associated with this opportunity. |
External created date | Provide the date when the opportunity was created in an external system. |
External sales person ID | Enter the ID of the salesperson from an external system. |
Fiscal | Specify the fiscal period for this opportunity. |
Fiscal quarter | Provide the fiscal quarter when this opportunity falls. |
Fiscal year | Enter the fiscal year for the opportunity. |
Forecast category | Specify the forecast category for this opportunity. |
Forecast category name | Enter the name of the forecast category for the opportunity. |
Is closed | Indicate whether the opportunity is closed. |
Is won | Indicate whether the opportunity has been won. |
Last activity date | Provide the date of the last activity related to this opportunity. |
Lead source | Enter the source from which the lead originated. |
Name | Fill in the name of the opportunity. |
Next step | Provide details about the next step for this opportunity. |
Probability | Enter the probability of winning this opportunity (as a percentage). |
Quantity | Specify the quantity of items or services in the opportunity. |
Stage | Provide the current stage of the opportunity. |
Type | Enter the type or classification of the opportunity. |
# Lead input fields
Field | Description |
Lead ID / Email | Enter the ID or email of the lead you plan to update. |
Refer to the Marketo documentation for a list of standard fields (opens new window) available through the API. This list includes common fields but may not cover all input fields specific to this action.
# Smart campaign input fields
Field | Description |
Smart campaign ID / Smart campaign | Enter the smart campaign ID or select the smart campaign you plan to update. |
Name | Provide the new name for the smart campaign. |
Description | Provide the new description for the smart campaign. |
# Custom object input fields
Field | Description |
Custom object name / Object name | Select or enter the name of the custom object. If entering the object name, add the suffix _c . |
# Output fields
The output fields vary depending on the object you select for the action.
# Opportunity output fields
Field | Description |
Marketo GUID | The unique identifier assigned to the opportunity in Marketo. |
# Lead output fields
Field | Description |
Lead ID | The unique identifier for the lead. |
Refer to the Marketo documentation for a list of standard fields (opens new window) available through the API. This list includes common fields but may not cover all output fields specific to this action.
# Smart campaign output fields
Field | Description |
ID | The unique identifier for the smart campaign. |
Name | The name of the smart campaign. |
Description | The description of the smart campaign. |
Type | The type of smart campaign. For example, batch , default , or trigger . |
Is system | Indicates whether the smart campaign is a system-level smart campaign. |
Is active | Indicates whether the smart campaign is currently active. |
Is requestable | Indicates whether the smart campaign can be requested through an API. |
Recurrence | The recurrence object for the smart campaign. |
Start at (recurrence) | The datetime of the first scheduled campaign to run. |
End at (recurrence) | The datetime after which no further runs will be automatically scheduled. |
Interval type (recurrence) | The type of interval for recurrence. For example, Daily , Weekly , or Monthly . |
Interval (recurrence) | The number of interval units between recurrences. |
Weekday only (recurrence) | Indicates whether the smart campaign only runs weekdays. |
Weekday mask (recurrence) | A string array containing one or more of the following days: Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , or Sunday . The array can also be empty. |
Day of month (recurrence) | The day of the month for the recurrence. |
Day of week (recurrence) | The day of the week for the recurrence. |
Week of month (recurrence) | The week of the month for the recurrence. |
Qualification rule type | The type of qualification rule for the smart campaign. For example, once , any , or interval . |
Qualification rule interval | The interval for qualification rule. |
Qualification rule unit | The unit of time for the qualification rule. |
Max members | The maximum number of members allowed in the smart campaign. |
Is communication limit enabled | Indicates whether communication limits are applied to the smart campaign. |
Smart list ID | The unique identifier for the smart list associated with the smart campaign. |
Flow ID | The unique identifier for the flow in the smart campaign. |
Parent program ID | The unique identifier for the parent program. |
Folder | The folder where the smart campaign is stored. |
ID (folder) | The unique identifier for the folder. |
Type (folder) | The type of folder. |
Created at | The datetime when the smart campaign was created. |
Updated at | The datetime when the smart campaign was updated. |
Workspace | The workspace in which the smart campaign is located. |
Computed URL | The URL where the smart campaign can be accessed or viewed. |
Status | The status of the smart campaign. |
# Custom object output fields
Field | Description |
Marketo GUID | The unique identifier assigned to the custom object in Marketo. |
Last updated: 10/2/2024, 3:53:41 PM