# Microsoft Graph API - Upload file action

The Upload file action enables you to upload a file by providing the file contents. If a file with the same name already exists in the folder, this action overwrites the file contents.

# Input

Input field Description
Drive ID The unique identifier of the OneDrive or SharePoint drive.
Folder ID The unique identifier of the destination folder in the drive.
File name The name of the file to be uploaded.
File content The actual data or content of the file.
Mime type The format of the file.

# Output

Output field Description
ID The unique identifier of the item within the Drive.
Created by Identity of the user, device, and application that created the item.
Created date time Timestamp when the file was created.
Description User-provided description of the file.
E tag eTag for the entire item (metadata + content).
Last modified by Identity of the user, device, and application that last modified the item.
Last modified date time Date and time the item was last modified.
Name The name of the item (filename and extension).
Parent reference Parent information, if the item has a parent.
Web URL URL that displays the resource in the browser.
Created by user Identity of the user who created the item.
Last modified by user Identity of the user who last modified the item.
Audio Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file.
Bundle Bundle metadata, if the item is a bundle.
Content The content stream, if the item represents a file.
C tag An eTag for the content of the item. This eTag isn't changed if only the metadata is changed. Note This property isn't returned if the item is a folder.
Deleted Information about the deleted state of the item.
File File metadata, if the item is a file.
File system info File system information on client.
Folder Folder metadata, if the item is a folder.
Image Image metadata, if the item is an image.
Location Location metadata, if the item has location data.
Malware Malware metadata, if the item was detected to contain malware.
Package If present, indicates that this item is a package instead of a folder or file. Packages are treated like files in some contexts and folders in others.
Pending operations If present, indicates that one or more operations that might affect the state of the driveItem are pending completion.
Photo Photo metadata, if the item is a photo.
Publication Provides information about the published or checked-out state of an item, in locations that support such actions. This property isn't returned by default.
Remote item Remote item data, if the item is shared from a drive other than the one being accessed.
Root If this property is non-null, it indicates that the driveItem is the top-most driveItem in the drive.
Search result Search metadata, if the item is from a search result.
Shared Indicates that the item was shared with others and provides information about the shared state of the item.
Sharepoint IDs Returns identifiers useful for SharePoint REST compatibility.
Special folder If the current item is also available as a special folder, this facet is returned.
Size Size of the item in bytes.
Video Video metadata, if the item is a video.
Web dav URL WebDAV compatible URL for the item.
Workbook For files that are Excel spreadsheets, access to the workbook API to work with the spreadsheet's contents.
Analytics Analytics about the view activities that took place on this item.
Children Collection containing Item objects for the immediate children of Item. Only items representing folders have children.
List item For drives in SharePoint, the associated document library list item.
Permissions The set of permissions for the item.
Retention label Information about retention label and settings enforced on the driveItem.
Subscriptions The set of subscriptions on the item. Only supported on the root of a drive.
Thumbnails Collection of thumbnailSet (opens new window) objects associated with the item. For more information, see getting thumbnails (opens new window).
Versions The list of previous versions of the item. For more info, see getting previous versions (opens new window).

Please refer to the Properties (opens new window) for detailed schema.

Last updated: 2/27/2025, 5:06:38 PM

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