# NetSuite trigger - New custom records in a saved search trigger (batch)

The New custom records in a saved search trigger (batch) retrieves batches of new custom records from a saved search in NetSuite. Ensure the saved search results include the following fields:

  • The Internal ID and Date Created fields of the base object.
  • The Internal ID field for all joined objects.

# Input

Input field Description
Trigger poll interval Specify how frequently to check for new events. Defaults to five minutes if left blank. The minimum value allowed is five minutes.
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from Specify the date and time from which this recipe retrieves trigger events. You can't change this value after you test or run this recipe. Learn more about this input field.
Custom Record Select the NetSuite custom record to retrieve.
Saved search Select an option from the drop-down menu, or enter the saved search ID from the URL of the saved search page.
Batch size Enter the number of NetSuite records to retrieve at a time. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum is 100.
Output field configuration Select the NetSuite fields to include in the trigger output.
Object list Select the records to include in the trigger output.
Fields Select the fields to include in the trigger output. You must select the Internal ID checkbox for each record in the Record list field.
Custom record custom fields Select custom fields to include in the trigger output.

# Output

Output field Description
Range The range of records retrieved in the current batch.
First batch ID The unique identifier of the first batch retrieved during the trigger's execution.
Last batch ID The unique identifier of the last batch retrieved during the trigger's execution.
Records A list datapill containing the records that match the saved search criteria.
Basic (records) An object containing fields specific to your selected Custom Record. The fields included are determined by your selections in the Object list and Fields input fields.
Total number of records The total count of records retrieved from the saved search across all batches.
First batch Indicates whether this batch is the first batch of records retrieved.
Last batch Indicates whether this batch is the last batch of records retrieved.
Starting offset The position of the first record in the current batch within the overall dataset.
Ending offset The position of the last record in the current batch within the overall dataset.

Last updated: 1/28/2025, 10:02:09 PM

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