# Notion - Query database action

The Query database action searches a Notion database and returns a list of records that match the criteria you specify.

# Input

Field Description
Database Select the database to search.
Filter source list Input a list datapill to create the filter from.
Column Select the column to filter by.
Value Provide the value to compare against the selected Column values.
Filter condition Specify how to compare the returned Column values against the Value you set.
Condition Specify whether to use AND or OR logic for the filter's conditions.
Sort by Select a property to sort the results by.
Sort order Specify whether to sort the records in ascending or descending order.
Sort by Timestamp column Select a timestamp column to sort the results by.
Cursor Provide the next_cursor value to retrieve the next page of results. Defaults to the first page if left blank.
Page size Enter the number of records to return per page. The maximum and default value is 100.

# Output

Field Description
Object The type of object retrieved.
Page ID The identifier for the associated page.
Created time The timestamp when the object was created.
Last edited time The timestamp when the object was last updated.
Archived Indicates whether the database is archived.
URL The queried object's URL.
Parent Contains information about the queried object's parent, such as its Type and ID.
Properties Contains information about the queried object's properties, such as its Title, Type, and ID.
List size The total number of matching results.
List index The position of the returned entries within the results list.
Next cursor The identifier for the next page of results.
Has more Indicates if there are additional results.

Last updated: 12/3/2024, 4:54:13 PM

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