# Notion - Search records action

The Search records action retrieves a list of Notion objects matching the type you specify.

# Input

Field Description
Object Select the object type to search for.
Block ID Provide the internal ID of the block to search for its child objects.
Cursor Provide the next_cursor value to retrieve the next page of results. Defaults to the first page if left blank.
Page size Enter the number of objects to return per page. The maximum and default value is 100.

# Output

Field Description
Block children Contains information about the block's children objects, such as their Created time, Archived status, and Type.
Users Contains information about the users retrieved, such as their ID, Name, and Type.
Next cursor The identifier for the next page of results.
Has more Indicates if there are additional results.

Last updated: 12/3/2024, 4:54:13 PM

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