# OneDrive - List files and folders action (batch)

The List files and folders batch action lists files and folders in the selected parent folder in Microsoft OneDrive. Items in subfolders aren't listed. To list files and folders from a shared folder, enter the folder's ID in the Drive ID field.

# Input

Input fields Description
Drive ID Provide the drive ID from which you plan to download the file. The Drive ID appears in the CID parameter of the OneDrive URL. For example, in https://onedrive.live.com/?id=244DDFC44A57%21103&cid=24C9A8FC44A57 24C9A8FC44A57 is the drive ID.
Folder path Provide the path of the folder to list files and folders from. For example, folder-one/folder-two. If empty, OneDrive lists items in the root folder.
List files or folders? Select whether to list files, folders or both.

# Output

Output fields Description
ID The unique identifier of the created folder.
Name The name of the created folder.
Size The size of the file or folder in bytes.
Web URL The URL to view the file or folder in a web browser.
Created by Information about the user who created the file or folder.
Created at The date and time when the file or folder was created.
Last modified by Information about the user who last modified the file or folder.
Last modified at The date and time when the file or folder was last modified.
ETag The ETag (entity tag) is a unique identifier that tracks changes to a specific version of a file or folder in OneDrive.
CTag The CTag (change tag) is a timestamp or identifier that tracks changes in a folder for synchronization purposes in OneDrive.
Parent reference Refers to the location or container of the file or folder within the OneDrive hierarchy.
File system info Provides metadata about the file or folder, including its creation and last modified timestamps.
Folder Information about the folder, including the child file count.
Reactions Lists user interactions with shared documents or files, including comment count, like count, and reaction types.
File Represents file details, including MIME type, Quick XOR hash, SHA-1 hash, and SHA-256 hash.
Shared Indicates whether the file or folder is shared. Includes permission scope and the owner’s ID and display name.

Last updated: 1/16/2025, 3:49:14 PM

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