# Create calendar action

This action creates a calendar in Outlook.

# Input fields

Field Description
Shared calendar Provide the email address of the user who owns the shared calendar, so Workato can fetch the shared calendars. For example, [email protected]. If left blank, Workato shows your default calendars.
Calendar Provide a name for the calendar.
Color Provide the color of the calendar. This can be used to distinguish between other calendars in the UI.

# Output fields

Field Description
ID The unique ID of the calendar.
Name The name of the calendar.
Color The color of the calendar.
Hex color The hex color of the calendar.
Is default calendar Indicates whether the calendar is the default calendar.
Change key The change key of the calendar.
Can share Indicates whether the calendar can be shared.
Can edit Indicates whether the calendar can be edited.
Allowed online meeting providers A list of the allowed online meeting providers.
Default online meeting provider The default online meeting provider. Possible values include unknown, skypeForBusiness, skypeForConsumer, and teamsForBusiness.
Can view private items Indicates whether the user can read calendar items that have been marked private.
Is tallying responses Indicates whether this user calendar supports tracking of meeting responses. Only meeting invites sent from users' primary calendars support tracking of meeting responses.
Is removable Indicates whether this user calendar can be deleted from the user mailbox.
Owner If set, this represents the user who created or added the calendar. For a calendar that the user created or added, the owner property is set to the user. For a calendar shared with the user, the owner property is set to the person who shared that calendar with the user.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 4:00:51 AM