# Deleted event trigger (real-time)

This trigger monitors your Outlook calendar or a shared calendar for deleted events. It is a real-time trigger, meaning that deleted events in the selected calendar create a trigger event instantly.

# Input fields

Field Description
Shared calendar Provide the email address of the user who owns the shared calendar, so Workato can fetch the shared calendars. For example, [email protected]. If left blank, Workato shows your default calendars.
Calendar Select the calendar you plan to monitor from the list.

# Output fields

The output datatree contains information about the deleted event. This includes the event ID and other event details.

Field Description
Subscription ID The subscription ID for the deleted event.
Subscription expiration date time The expiration date and time of the subscription.
Change type The type of change (deleted).
Resource The resource of the deleted event.
Resource data The data of the deleted event.
ID The ID of the deleted event.
Client state The client state of the deleted event.
Tenant ID The tenant ID of the deleted event.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 4:00:51 AM