# PagerDuty Connector - List log entries action

This action lists log entries for the specified incident in PagerDuty.

# Input

Field Description
Since Start of the date range
Until End of the date range
Is overview True will return a subset of log entries that shows most important changes.
Include Can be incidents, services, teams, and channels. Separate the values with comma.

# Output

The output to this action is a list of log entries. Each log entry contains the following fields.

Field Description
ID The log entry ID.
Type A string that determines the schema of the object. This must be the standard name for the entity.
Summary A short-form, server-generated string that provides succinct, important information about an object suitable for primary labeling of an entity in a client. In many cases, this will be identical to name, though it is not intended to be an identifier.
Self The API show URL at which the object is accessible.i
HTML URL The URL at which the entity is uniquely displayed in the Web app.
Created at The date and time at which the log entry was created.
Agent The agent who created or updated the incident log entry.
Channel Polymorphic object representation of the means by which the action was channeled. Has different formats depending on type, indicated by channeltype.
Incident An incident object. This object contains the following fields.
  • ID
  • Type
  • Summary
  • Self
Teams A list of teams involved in the incident's lifecycle. Each team contains the following fields.
  • ID
  • Type
  • Summary
  • Self
Context Contexts to be included with the trigger such as links to graphs or images.
Event details A description about the event.

Last updated: 7/7/2021, 9:13:56 AM

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