# Search records action (batch)

This action searches for records in a specified Quickbase table that match the search criteria.

# Input fields

Field Description
Application Select an application in your Quickbase account.
Application token This is required if this application has been configured to require tokens for data access. You can obtain the token from the application's Settings > App properties > Manage Application Token.
Table Select the table where you plan to create the record. You can either select the table from the drop-down, or provide the table ID.
Table field list Select which columns in your Quickbase table to map to. Workato can support a maximum of 150 fields from a Quickbase table. If your table has more than 150 fields, select the fields you plan to use. These fields are dynamic and change based on the Table you select.
Query Use Quickbase query to fetch only records that match your query. Query syntax is {'fid'.operator.'matching_value'}. For example, {'7'.EX.'Test'}.
Sort field Select a field to use for sorting the records. If you don’t specify the sort field, the default order of the records on the report layout page is used.
Sort order Select the order to sort the records, based on the selected Sort field. Defaults to ascending if left blank.
Limit Enter the number of records you plan for this action to return. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 1000.


Workato displays additional fields which you can use to filter records in your Quickbase table. The fields available are dynamic and change based on the table you select.

# Output fields

The output datatree contains a list of records. Each record contains information based on the selected fields.

Field Description
Records A list of records that match the search criteria.

Last updated: 7/8/2024, 5:46:41 PM