# RecipeOps - Search job history action

This action lists the job history for a specified recipe. Results can be filtered by job status and start time.

# Limitations

Results are limited to the most recent 1,000 jobs.

# Input

Input field Description
Recipe Select the recipe to retrieve job history for.
Job status Select an option to filter jobs by status:
  • All
  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Failed
Jobs created since Enter a date and time to filter jobs created on or after this timestamp.
Jobs created till Enter a date and time to filter jobs created on or before this timestamp.

# Output

The output will contain the following attributes, along with custom job report data.

Output field Description
Job ID The job ID.
Calling job ID The ID of the calling job.
Root recipe ID The ID of the original recipe that initiated the workflow. This remains the same for all jobs related to that workflow.
Root job ID The ID of the first job in the workflow triggered by the root recipe.
Status The status of the job.
Title The title of the job.
Started at The time the job started.
Completed at The time the job completed.
Recipe ID The ID of the recipe associated with the job.
Error Details about the error encountered during the job, if applicable.

This field contains additional subfields:

  • Error ID: The error ID.
  • Error type: The type of error.
  • Error message: The error message.
List size The total number of jobs in the result set.
List index The index (current position) of the job in the list of results.

# Resources

Last updated: 2/26/2025, 3:08:05 PM