# RecipeOps - Search job history action
This action lists the job history for a specified recipe. Results can be filtered by job status and start time.
# Limitations
Results are limited to the most recent 1,000 jobs.
# Input
Input field | Description |
Recipe | Select the recipe to retrieve job history for. |
Job status | Select an option to filter jobs by status:
Jobs created since | Enter a date and time to filter jobs created on or after this timestamp. |
Jobs created till | Enter a date and time to filter jobs created on or before this timestamp. |
# Output
The output will contain the following attributes, along with custom job report data.
Output field | Description |
Job ID | The job ID. |
Calling job ID | The ID of the calling job. |
Root recipe ID | The ID of the original recipe that initiated the workflow. This remains the same for all jobs related to that workflow. |
Root job ID | The ID of the first job in the workflow triggered by the root recipe. |
Status | The status of the job. |
Title | The title of the job. |
Started at | The time the job started. |
Completed at | The time the job completed. |
Recipe ID | The ID of the recipe associated with the job. |
Error | Details about the error encountered during the job, if applicable. This field contains additional subfields:
List size | The total number of jobs in the result set. |
List index | The index (current position) of the job in the list of results. |
# Resources
Last updated: 2/26/2025, 3:08:05 PM