# RecipeOps - Member invitation accepted trigger

This trigger monitors for accepted member invitations in the workspace.

# Input

Field Description
Invitations to monitor Select invitations to monitor for acceptance.

# Output

Field Description
Invitation ID The ID of the invitation.
User ID The ID of the user who accepted the invitation.
Email The email of the user who accepted the invitation.
Name The name of the user who accepted the invitation.
Role The name of the collaborator role assigned to the user who accepted the invitation.
Invitation sent at The time the invitation was sent.
Joined at The time the user accepted the invitation.
Team Details about the team the user joined.

This field has some additional sub-fields:
Field Description
Team ID The team's ID.
Team name The team's name.
Owner ID The ID of the user who owns the team.

# Resources

Last updated: 6/27/2024, 6:53:47 PM