# RecipeOps - Recipe started trigger

The Recipe started trigger monitors recipes started by users in real-time.

# Input

Input field Description
Recipes to monitor Select the recipes to monitor. Choose All to monitor all recipes in the workspace, Selected to monitor selected recipes, or Tags to monitor recipes associated with one or more tags.
Recipe IDs Provide a comma-separated list of recipe IDs if monitoring Selected recipes. You can find recipe IDs in the recipe’s URL. For example, in https://app.workato.com/recipes/362905-timekeeper, the recipe ID is 362905.
Tags Provide one or more tags if monitoring recipes by Tags.

# Output

Output field Description
Started at The time the recipe was started.
Recipe ID The ID of the recipe that was started.
Name The name of the recipe that was started.
Last run at The time the recipe last ran.
Created at The time the recipe was created.
Updated at The time the recipe was last updated.
Started by user Details about the user who started the recipe, including the User ID, User name, and User email.

# Resources

Last updated: 10/9/2024, 3:20:59 PM