# Export query result action

This action executes a SQL query and exports the results as a CSV file.


Remember to configure a staging area in your on-prem agent profile. Learn how to set up a staging area in the OPA server profile.

# On-prem and Cloud connection input fields

The Export query result action provides an additional input field if your connection is established through on-prem rather than using a cloud-based connection. If you have an on-prem connection, the Upload URL field displays. This field enables you to export your CSV file to a URL you specify.

Export query result action on-prem connectionExport query result action with an on-prem connection

Export query result action cloud connectionExport query result action with a cloud connection

# Input

Input field Description
SQL Enter a valid SQL query. For example: SELECT * FROM PUBLIC.ACCOUNTS.
Column delimiter Choose a delimiter character. CSV files typically use a comma (,).
Upload URL Export your CSV file to a URL you specify. You can generate this URL by using On-prem files or Amazon S3. This field is only available if you have an on-prem connection. Refer to our On-prem and Cloud connection input fields documentation for more information.

# Output

The output of this action contains metadata about the file export.

Output field Description
Number of rows exported The number of rows exported.
Column names The column header names in the CSV file.


This action doesn't return the CSV file content.

Last updated: 11/6/2024, 9:54:42 PM