# New/updated file in folder hierarchy trigger

This trigger picks up new or updated files in your SharePoint folder hierarchy. It checks for new or updated files once every poll interval and Workato processes each file as a separate job.

# Input fields

Field Description
Trigger poll interval Specify how frequently to check for new events. Defaults to five minutes if left blank. The minimum value allowed is five minutes.
Site name Provide the name of the SharePoint site to which you plan to connect. If left blank, Workato connects to your default home site, as specified in your connection settings. The site name is located in the URL of the site page. For example, if the URL is https://company-name.sharepoint.com/sites/product, the site name is product.

If you plan to connect to a different site, you can provide the absolute URL to override the base URL. For example, if the input is https://company-name.sharepoint.com/teams/product, Workato connects to the provided input.

Alternatively, you can provide the absolute URL to connect to a different site. For example, entering https://company-name.sharepoint.com/teams/product connects Workato to the specified site directly.
Document library Select the specific document library to monitor for new or updated files.
Folder Select the folder to monitor for new or updated files.
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from When you start the recipe for the first time, it picks up trigger events from this specified date and time. Leave empty to get records created or updated one hour ago. Learn more about this input field.

# Output fields

The output datatree contains information about the new or updated file. This includes the file name, server relative URL, and other metadata.

Field Description
Metadata Metadata about the file. This object contains the ID, URI, Etag, and Type of the file.
First unique ancestor securable object The nearest parent object in SharePoint that defines security settings for the file.
Role assignments Assignments of specific permissions or roles within SharePoint for accessing the file.
Attachment files Files attached or uploaded as attachments to the item (e.g., emails with attachments).
Content type The type or category of content that defines metadata and behavior for SharePoint items.
Get DLP policy tip Retrieve data loss prevention (DLP) policy tips associated with the uploaded file.
Field values as html Field values formatted as HTML content within SharePoint for the uploaded file.
Field values as text Field values in plain text format within SharePoint for the uploaded file.
Field values for edit Initial field values intended for editing when creating or updating the file in SharePoint.
File A document or binary object uploaded or created within a SharePoint document library.
Folder The specific folder within SharePoint where the new or updated file is located.
Liked by information Information about users who have liked or favorited the file within SharePoint.
Parent list The list or document library where the file is stored in SharePoint.
Properties Metadata or attributes associated with the file in SharePoint.
Versions Different iterations or revisions of the file within SharePoint's version history.
File system object type The type of file object as classified within SharePoint's document management system.
Server redirected embed URI URI used by SharePoint to embed external resources in documents or pages.
Server redirected embed URL URL used by SharePoint to redirect to embedded resources like videos or images.
Content type ID Unique identifier for the content type associated with the file in SharePoint.
File leaf ref The file name or leaf reference within SharePoint's document library structure.
Compliance asset ID Identifier used within SharePoint for compliance tracking or auditing purposes.
Id Unique identifier assigned to the file within SharePoint.
ID Another identifier commonly used within SharePoint for uniquely identifying files.
Created Date and time when the file was initially created in SharePoint.
Author ID Unique identifier of the user who originally created the file in SharePoint.
Modified Date and time when the file was last modified in SharePoint.
Editor ID Unique identifier of the user who last modified the file in SharePoint.
O data copy source Source from which data is copied using the OData protocol within SharePoint.
File ref Reference or link to the file within SharePoint's document management system.
FS obj type Type of object within SharePoint's file system (e.g., file, folder).
Checkout user ID Unique identifier of the user who has checked out the file for editing in SharePoint.
Unique ID Globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned to the file within SharePoint.
O data UI version string Version string used in the OData user interface within SharePoint.
GUID Globally unique identifier used to reference the file or object within SharePoint.

Last updated: 8/28/2024, 8:43:06 PM