# Shopify - Connect inventory item to location

This action connects an inventory item to a location in Shopify by creating an inventory level at the given location.

You must set up Inventory tracking (opens new window) on Shopify to use this action.

# Input

Field Description
Inventory item ID Shopify ID of the inventory item to connect to a location
Location ID Shopify ID of the location that the inventory level should connect to. To find Shopify location IDs, use List locations action.
Relocate if necessary? Relevant if inventory item has been or will be connected to a fulfillment service.

If yes, inventory levels for previously connected locations will be relocated to this newly connected location and disconnected from other locations

If no but a fulfillment service location is involved, the action fails and item is not connected.

# Output

Field Description
Inventory item ID The inventory item ID.
Location ID The location ID.
Available The quantity of inventory items available for sale. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked.
Updated at When this inventory level was last available.
Admin GraphQl API ID A unique admin GraphQL API ID.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 3:22:21 PM

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