# Shopify - Create customer

This action creates a customer in Shopify.

# Input

Field Description
First name Provide the first name.
Last name Provide the last name.
Note Notes about the customer.
Tags Comma-separated short descriptors.
Accepts marketing Select from the picklist or enter your own value to specify whether the customer consented to receive marketing materials.
Opt in level Provide the opt in level that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. Accepts marketing field should be set to Yes to set this field. Allowed values are single_opt_in, confirmed_opt_in, and unknown.
Consent updated at The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, the date and time when the consent information was sent are used. Accepts marketing field should be set to Yes to set the value to this field.
Tax exempt Select from the picklist or enter your own value to specify whether to charge taxes when customers place orders.
Phone Provide the phone number.
Email Provide the email.
Address Provide the address.
City Provide the city.
Postal/zip code Provide a postal or zip code.
Country Select from the picklist or enter a value. If you enter the country, you must provide the province/state/region code in the next field.
State/province code This field is required if you entered a value in the Country field. Enter the province/state/region code. For example, AB for Alberta.

# Output

Object-specific output fields are dynamically rendered based on the object definition of a customer in your Shopify instance.

Field Description
Customer ID A unique identifier for the customer.
First name The customer's first name.
Last name The customer's last name.
Email The unique email address of the customer.
Phone The unique phone number for this customer.
Admin GraphQL API ID The Admin GraphQL API ID.
Marketing opt in level (deprecated) The marketing subscription opt-in level that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. If the customer does not accept email marketing, then this property is set to null. Use Email marketing consent instead.
Accepts marketing (deprecated) Whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material via email. Use Email marketing consent instead.
Email marketing consent Information that describes when a customer consented to receiving marketing material by email, including:
- State
- Opt in level
- Consent updated at
Created at The date and time when the customer was created.
Updated at The date and time when the customer was updated.
Orders count The number of orders associated with this customer.
State The state of the customer's account with a shop.
Total spent The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history.
Last order ID The ID of the customer's last order.
Note A note about the customer.
Verified email Whether the customer has verified their email address.
Multipass identifier A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. Find out more about Shopify Multipass login (opens new window).
Tax exempt Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false, then taxes will be applied at checkout.
Tags Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. A customer can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters.
Last order name The name of the customer's last order. This is directly related to the name field on the Order resource.
Default address The default address for the customer. The default address has the following properties:
- ID
- First name
- Last name
- Name
- Company
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- Province code
- Province
- Country code
- Country
- Country name
- Zip
- Phone
- Default
Addresses A list of the ten most recently updated addresses for the customer. Each address has the following properties:
- ID
- First name
- Last name
- Name
- Company
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- Province code
- Province
- Country code
- Country
- Country name
- Zip
- Phone
- Default
Metafields A list of metafields for the customer. Each metafield has the following properties:
- ID
- Key
- Metafield name
- Value
- Value type
- Description
- Owner
- ID
- Owner resource
- Created at
- Updated at

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 3:22:21 PM

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