# Shopify - Create fulfillment

# New fulfillment order API architecture

This action creates a fulfillment for one or more fulfillment orders in Shopify. The fulfillment orders are associated with the same order and are assigned to the same location.


As part of our latest updates, we have implemented validation to prevent duplicate fulfillment orders in requests to create a fulfillment. It is now required that each fulfillment order ID is unique within the Line items by fulfillment order field.

# Input

Field Description
Line items by fulfillment order The fulfillment order line items that have to be fulfilled. See below for the structure of each line item by fulfillment order.
Message Optional. A message that's associated with the fulfillment request.
Notify customer? Optional. Whether a notification should be sent to the customer when the fulfillment is created. Defaults to false.
Origin address Optional. The address of the fulfillment location. See below for the structure of each origin address.
Tracking information Optional. The tracking information for the fulfillment. See below for the structure of each tracking information.

# Line items by fulfillment order

Field Description
Line items by fulfillment order source list Optional. The source list of the lines that you plan to upload.
Fulfillment order ID The ID of the fulfillment order.
Fulfillment order line items Optional. The fulfillment order line items and the quantity of each which should be fulfilled. If left blank, then all of the fulfillment order line items of the associated fulfillment order are fulfilled. See below for the structure for each line item.

# Fulfillment order line items

Field Description
Fulfillment order line items source list Optional. The source list of the lines that you plan to upload.
ID The ID of the fulfillment order line item.
Quantity The quantity of the fulfillment order line item.

# Origin address

Field Description
Address (line 1) Optional. The first line of the address. Typically the street address of the fulfillment location.
Address (line 2) Optional. The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit.
City Optional. The city of the fulfillment location.
Country code The two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (opens new window)s) of the fulfillment location.
Province code Optional. The province of the fulfillment location.
Zip Optional. The zip code of the fulfillment location.

# Tracking information

Field Description
Tracking company Optional. The name of the tracking company.
Tracking number Optional. The tracking number for the fulfillment.
Tracking URL Optional. The URL to track the fulfillment.

# Output

The output of the action above is the Fulfillment resource. Read the Shopify documentation (opens new window) for more information.

# Legacy fulfillment API architecture

This action creates a fulfillment in Shopify.


Shopify has deprecated the Fulfillment API in its 2022-04 REST Admin API release in favor of Fulfillment Orders. While we've implemented changes to ensure usability of the old action, we encourage you to update your recipes to the new "Create Fulfillment" action which uses the new Fulfillment Order API. We will also be deprecating the old action moving forward.

# Input

Field Description
Order ID Provide the order ID. This can be found at the end of URL of the order page.
Location ID Provide the unique location ID tied to the fulfillment.
Tracking company Provide the tracking company.
Tracking numbers Provide the tracking numbers. Multiple values should be separated by commas.
Line items Provide the line items. Each line item has an ID and a Quantity
Tracking URLs The URLs to track the fulfillment, multiple values should be separated by commas.
Notify customer Select from the picklist or input your own value.

# Output

Field Description
ID The ID for the fulfillment.
Order ID The unique numeric identifier for the order.
Status The status of the fulfillment.
Created at The data and time when the fulfillment was created.
Service The type of service used.
Updated at The date and time when the fulfillment was last updated.
Tracking company The tracking company.
Tracking number The tracking number for this fulfillment.
Tracking numbers A list of tracking numbers, provided by the shipping company.
Tracking URL The URL of tracking page for the fulfillment.
Tracking urls The URLs of tracking pages for the fulfillment.
Receipt A text field that provides information about the receipt. Each receipt contains information about Testcase status and the Authorization code.
Line items A historical record of each item in the fulfillment. Each line item contains the following:
- ID
- Variant ID
- Title
- Quantity
- Price

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 3:22:21 PM