# Shopify Connector - List draft orders

This action retrieves a list of draft orders on Shopify. A draft order represents the intent of ordering by a customer. It can be transitioned into an order.

You may read the Shopify documentation (opens new window) for more information on the draft order resource.

# Input

Field Description
Draft order ID Filters the response to the specified draft orders.
Optional field.
Result limit Supports any integer up to 250. If unspecified, defaults to 50.
Optional field.
Status Allows filtering by draft order status.
Optional field.
Fetch results before last updated date Only returns draft orders last updated before the specified date.
Optional field.
Fetch results after last updated date Only returns draft orders last updated after the specified date.
Optional field.
Fetch results after ID When provided, only orders with IDs following this ID will be retrieved.
Optional field.
Return full data If set to yes/1, the entire product image source will be returned. Defaults to false/0.
Optional field.

# Output

The output is a list of draft order IDs if “return full data” is set to false. Else, we should return a list of datatree that contains information about the draft order object.

Find out more about the draft order object (opens new window).

Last updated: 10/19/2022, 6:28:33 AM

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