# Shopify - List locations

This action lists all locations in Shopify.

# Input

Field Description
Page size The maximum number of results to show in a page. Defaults to 50 if left blank. Minimum page size is 1 and maximum allowed page size is 50.
Next page URL Enter the next page URL obtained from action output in order to paginate through the results.

# Output

The output to this action is a list of locations. Each location includes the following datapills.

Field Description
Name The name of the location.
ID The ID for the location.
Address 1 The first line of the address.
Address 2 The second line of the address.
City The city the location is in.
Zip The zip or postal code.
Province The province the location is in.
Country The country the location is in.
Phone The phone number of the location. This value can contain special characters like - and +.
Country code The two-letter country code.
Country name The name of the location's country.
Province code The two-letter code corresponding to province or state the location is in.
Admin GraphQL API ID A unique Admin GraphQL API ID.
Legacy Whether this is a fulfillment service location. If true, then the location is a fulfillment service location. If false, then the location was created by the merchant and isn't tied to a fulfillment service.
Localized country name The localized name of the location's country.
Localized province name The localized name of the location's region. Typically a province, state, or prefecture.
Created at The date and time when the location was created.
Updated at The date and time when the location was updated.
Next page URL The URL to paginate through the next set of results.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 3:22:21 PM

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