# Shopify - Search orders

This action searches for orders in Shopify. All orders that match the search criteria will be returned.

# Input

Field Description
Attribution app IDs Enter the app ID to view orders specific to that app. If left blank, orders from all apps will be shown.
Order IDs Comma-separated list of order IDs to retrieve.
Order ID (min) Retrieve orders created after this order ID.
Created at (min) Retrieve orders created after this time.
Created at (max) Retrieve orders created before this time.
Updated at (min) Retrieve orders updated after this time.
Updated at (max) Retrieve orders updated before this time.
Processed at (min) Retrieve orders processed after this time.
Processed at (max) Retrieve orders processed before this time.
Fulfillment status Select from the picklist or input your own value.
Choose from Shopped, Partial, Unshipped, Unfulfilled, Any.
Fulfillment status Select from the picklist or input your own value.
Choose from Authorized, Pending, Paid, Partially raid, Refunded, Voided, Partially refunded, Unpaid, Any.
Status Select from the picklist or input your own value.
Choose from Open, Closed, Cancelled, Any.

# Output

The output to this action is a list of orders.

Field Description
Order ID The order ID.
Send receipt Whether a confirmation was sent to the customer.
Send fulfillment receipt Whether a fulfillment confirmation was sent to the customer.
Email Customer's email address
Name Order name. For example, #1001
Note Notes about the order.
Fulfillment status Valid values: fulfilled, null, partial
Tax lines A list of tax line objects, each of which details a tax applied to the item. Each tax line includes:
- Title
- Price
- Price set
- Rate
Currency code The currency code.
Referring site For example, http://www.example.com
Taxes included Whether taxes are included.
Closed at The date and time when this order was closed.
Financial status Valid values: pending, authorized, partially_paid, paid, partially_refunded, refunded, voided
Note attributes Additional information on order, including:
- Name
- Value
Tags Tags attached to the order, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. Tags are additional short descriptors, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each individual tag is limited to 40 characters in length.
Billing address The mailing address associated with the payment method.
Shipping address The mailing address to where the order will be shipped.
Total discounts Total amount of the discounts to be applied to the price of the order.
Discount codes A list of discounts applied to the order. Each discount object includes the following properties:
- Amount
- Discount name
- Type
Buyer accepts marketing Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop.
Discount applications A list of discount applications. Each discount application object includes the following properties:
- Type
- Value
- Value type
- Allocation method
- Target selection
- Target type
- Description
- Title
Current total duties set The current total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds.
Original total duties set The original total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies.
Total line items price set The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies.
Total discounts set The total amount allocated to the line item in the presentment currency. Instead of using this field, Shopify recommends using discount_allocations, which provides the same information.
Total shipping price set The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true, then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes.
Total price set The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
Subtotal price set The subtotal price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
Total tax set The total tax of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
Line items A list of line item objects, each containing information about an item in the order.
- Includes ID
- Variant ID
- Title
- Quantity
- Current quantity
- Price
- Grams
- Sku
- Variant title
- Admin GraphQL API ID
- Vendor
- Fulfillment service
- Product ID
- Requires shipping
- Taxable
- Gift card
- Name
- Variant inventory management
- Product exists
- Fulfillable quantity
- Total discount
- Fulfillment status
- Line item tax lines
- Duties
- Line item properties
- Price set
- Total discount set
- Discount allocations
Created at The date and time when the order was created.
Updated at The date and time when the order was last updated.
Canceled at The date and time when the order was canceled.
Cancel reason The cancellation reason.
Customer locale The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier.
Presentment currency The presentment currency that was used to display prices to the customer.
Total tip received The total tip received.
Admin GraphQL API ID A unique admin GraphQL API ID.
Total price USD (deprecated) The total price in USD.
Checkout token The checkout token.
Reference An order reference.
User_ID The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable.
Location ID The ID of the physical location where the order was processed. This property refers to the POS location. location_id will always be set to null for online orders.
App ID The ID of the app that created the order.
Source identifier A reference to the source.
Source URL A URL of the source.
Processed at The date and time when this order was processed.
device_ID Information about the device used to create the order.
Browser ip The browser IP when the order was created.
Landing site ref A URL of the landing site.
Order number The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001.
Number The order's position in the shop's count of orders. Numbers are sequential and start at 1.
Note Notes about this order.
Token A unique token for the order.
Gateway (deprecated) The payment gateway used.
Test Whether this is a test order.
Total price The total price.
Subtotal price The subtotal price.
Total weight The total weight.
Total tax The total tax.
Confirmed Whether the order has been confirmed.
Total discounts The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency.
Total line items price The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency.
Cart token The ID of the cart that's associated with the order.
Name The name of the customer.
Landing site The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop.
Payment gateway names The list of payment gateways used for the order.
Processing method (deprecated) How the payment was processed.
Checkout ID The checkout ID.
Source name Where the order originated. Can be set only during order creation, and is not writeable afterwards.
Tax lines A list of tax line objects, each of which details a tax applied to the item. Each tax line includes:
- Title
- Price
- Price set
- Rate
Contact email The contact email.
Order status URL The URL for the order status.
Shipping lines An array of objects, each of which details a shipping method used. Each shipping line includes:
- ID
- Carrier identifier
- Shipping name
- Discounted price
- Discounted price set
- Phone
- Price
- Price set
- Requested fulfillment service ID
- Source
- Title
- Tax lines
- Discount allocations
- Is removed
Fulfillments A list of fulfillments associated with the order.
Client details Information about the browser that the customer used when they placed their order.
Refunds A list of refunds applied to the order.
Payment details (deprecated) An object containing information about the payment.
Transactions A list of order transactions.
Customer Information about the customers.
Metafields Information about metafields.

Last updated: 7/18/2024, 2:31:18 PM

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