# Snowflake - New row triggers

# New row

This trigger picks up rows that are inserted in the selected table or view. Each row is processed as a separate job. It checks for new rows once every poll interval.

New row trigger New row trigger

Input field Description
Table First, select a table/view to process rows from.
Unique key Next, select a unique key column to uniquely identify rows. This list of columns are generated from the selected table/view.
WHERE condition Finally, provide an optional WHERE condition to filter rows.

# New batch of rows

This trigger picks up rows that are inserted in the selected table or view. These rows are processed as a batch of rows for each job. This batch size can be configured in the trigger input. It checks for new rows once every poll interval.

New batch of rows trigger New batch of rows trigger

Input field Description
Table First, select a table/view to process rows from.
Unique key Next, select a unique key column to uniquely identify rows. This list of columns are generated from the selected table/view.
Batch size Next, configure the batch size to process in each individual job for this recipe.
WHERE condition Finally, provide an optional WHERE condition to filter rows.

# Input fields

# Table

Select the table/view to process rows from. This can be done either by selecting a table from the pick list, or toggling the input field to text mode and typing the full table name.

# Unique key

Values from this selected column are used to deduplicate rows in the selected table, making sure that the same row is not processed twice in the same recipe.

As such, the values in the selected column should not be repeated in your table. Typically, this column is the primary key of the table (for example, ID). It should be incremental and sortable. This column can also be indexed for better performance.

# Batch size

Batch size of rows to return in each job. This can be any number between 1 and the maximum batch size. Maximum batch size is 100 and default is 100.

In any given poll, if there are less rows than the configured batch size, this trigger will deliver all rows as a smaller batch.

# WHERE condition

This condition is used to filter rows based on one or more column values.

STATUS = 'closed' and PRIORITY > 3

Leave blank to process all rows from the selected table.

Complex WHERE conditions with subqueries can also be used. Refer to the WHERE condition guide for more information.

Last updated: 7/2/2021, 7:31:20 AM