# Talent Palette - Import members
The Import members action imports members in bulk in Talent Palette.
# Input
Input field | Description |
File | Provide the CSV file to import. |
Header line number | Specify the line number of the header in the file. |
Type | Select the operation type from the drop-down menu. |
Update key names | Provide an array of strings specifying the keys used for the update operation. |
Not update key names | Provide an array of strings specifying attributes that should not be updated. |
Account column | Specify the column to import as the account. |
Retirement date column | Specify the header linked to retirement date , if the file does not include such a column. |
Convert CSV header merge data setting | Provide an array of convertCsvHeaderMergeDataSetting objects specifying header merge settings. |
Import except master name | Specify the master name to exclude from the import process. |
Convert data library setting | Provide an array of convertDataLibrarySetting objects specifying attributes to replace using a master library. |
Convert add string setting | Provide an array of convertAddStringSetting objects specifying attribute value string addition settings. |
Code page | Specify the file's character encoding. |
Processing rule set | Specify the data processing rule set name to apply. |
# Output
Output field | Description |
Job ID | The Talent Palette ID of the registered job. |
Last updated: 2/11/2025, 2:54:09 AM