# Trello - New card trigger

The New card trigger detects new cards on a board you specify. The trigger checks for new cards every five minutes by default.

# Input fields

Field Description
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from The first time you start a recipe, it picks up trigger events from this date and time. This enables your recipe to capture events that have already occurred. Learn more about this input field.
Board name Select the board to watch for new cards.
Trigger poll interval Specify how frequently to check for new events.

# Output fields

Field Description
ID The ID of the card that triggered the job.
Badges An object that contains the information displayed on the front of the card, such as the Votes, Comments, and Attachments.
Closed Indicates whether the card is closed (archived). Setting a board to archived does not set the cards within the board to archived. A card on an archived board may display as closed: false.
Updated at A timestamp indicating when the card was last updated.
ID list The ID of the list that contains the card.
ID attachment cover The ID of the card's cover image, if it has one.
ID board The ID of the board that contains the card.
ID short A short ID for the card, unique only within the current board, and subject to change as cards move.
ID members An array of member IDs that are associated with the card.
Labels A datatree that contains information regarding the labels on the card, such as their Color, number of Uses, and Name.
Manual cover attachment Indicates whether the cover image was set automatically by Trello.
Short link An eight character ID for the card.
Short URL A URL for the card, shortened by removing the name slug.
Subscribed Indicates whether the connected account is subscribed to the card.
ID labels An array containing the IDs of the labels on the card.
URL The full URL for the card.
Display name The name of the card.
Description The description on the card, up to 16384 characters.
Due date The due date on the card, if one exists.
Position The position of the card within the list.

Last updated: 11/27/2024, 8:28:44 PM