# Wrike - Create task action

This action creates a single task in a specified Wrike folder/project. To create a main task, select Root as the parent folder.

Create task action Create task action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Folder Select a parent folder to create this task in. To use folder ID, toggle "Enter a folder ID".
Title The title of the task.
Description The description of the task.
Importance The importance of the task. Permitted values are High, Normal, and Low.
Assignee Select users who will be assigned to this task. You can define users with a source list or manually input their user ID.
Priority after The newly created task will be put after this task in the task list.
Priority before The newly created task will be put before this task in the task list.
Follow Select True if this is a follow task, otherwise select False.
Share task with users Select users who will share this task. You can define tasks with a source list or manually input their user ID.
Add parent folders Select folders to be marked as parent folders. You can define folders with a source list or manually input their folder ID.
Followers Select users who will be marked as task followers. You can define users with a source list or manually input their user ID.
Super tasks The newly created task will be marked as a subtask to this task. You can define tasks with a task list or manually input their task ID.
Date The start and due dates of this task. If left blank, a backlog task will be created.
Start date The start date of this task.
Due date The due date of this task.
Custom status Select a custom status to describe this task. To use custom status ID, toggle "Enter a custom status ID".
Status Select the status of the task. Permitted values are New, In progress, Completed, On hold, and Canceled.

Ignore this field if you are using custom statuses.
Custom fields Provide data for the custom fields.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Task ID The ID of the task.
Account ID The ID of the account.
Title The title of the task.
Description The description of the task. Will be blank if not specified.
Brief description A brief description of the task.
Parent folder The list of parent folders of this task.
Folder ID The folder ID of the parent folder.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of parent folders retrieved.
Super parent folder The list of super parent folder to this task.
Folder ID The folder ID of the super parent folder.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of super parent folders retrieved.
List of users who share task The list of users who share the task.
User ID The ID of the user who shares this task.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of users retrieved.
Assignees The list of users who are assigned to the task.
User ID The ID of the user who shares this task.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of users retrieved.
Status The status of the task.
Importance The importance of the task. Permitted values are High, Normal, and Low.
Created date The date this task was created.
Updated date The date this task was updated.
Completed date The date this task was completed.
Dates The tasks dates.
Type The type of task. Permitted values are Backlogged, Milestone, and scheduled.
Duration Mandatory for Planned tasks. The duration in minutes.
Start date The start date of this task. Backlogged tasks do not have start dates.
Due date The due date of this task. Backlogged tasks and Milestone tasks do not have due dates.
Work on weekends Indicates if weekends are included in task scheduling.
Scope The scope of the task.
Author The list of users who are assigned as authors of the task.
User ID The ID of the user.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of users retrieved.
Custom status ID The custom status ID of the task.
Custom status The custom status of the task.
Name The name of the custom status.
List size The custom status ID of the task.
Has attachments Indicates if the folder has attachments.
Permalink The link to open the task in a web workspace. This is only accessible if the user has the appropriate access.
Priority The ordering key that defines the task order in a task list.
Followed by me Indicates if the task is followed by the Wrike user registered on Workato.
Followers The users who follow this task.
Follower ID The ID of the user who follows this task.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of users retrieved.
Super task The list of tasks that are marked as super tasks.
Super task ID The ID of the task that is marked as a super task.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of tasks retrieved.
Subtask The list of tasks that are marked as subtasks.
Super task ID The ID of the task that is marked as a subtask.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of subtasks retrieved.
Dependency The list of tasks that are marked as dependencies.
Dependency ID The ID of the task that is marked as a dependency.
List size The size of the list, corresponding to the number of tasks retrieved.
Metadata The metadata of this task. The metadata list size corresponds to the number of metadata entries retrieved.
Custom fields Includes data from custom fields.

Last updated: 8/31/2023, 1:07:14 AM