# SDK - Project Directory and File Reference

A typical connector project built with the SDK gem usually looks something like this:

. # root
├── connector.rb
├── fixtures
├── Gemfile 
├── Gemfile.lock
├── logo.png 
├── master.key 
├── README.md
├── settings.yaml.enc
├── spec 
|   ├── connector_spec.rb
|   └── spec_helper.rb
├── tape_library
├── .github
├── .gitignore 
└── .rspec

An overview of what each file or directory does:

File/directory Created Description
connector.rb Via workato new Stores the actual connector code. This should be a replica of your connector code in Workato.
fixtures Via workato new Stores input and output JSON files for RSpec or CLI. See an example file and learn more here.
Gemfile Via workato new Declares the gems (dependencies) required by the project. These are required to run RSpec. See an example file and learn more here.
Gemfile.lock Via workato new Stores gem dependency data, including versions and dependencies of dependencies. This file is automatically created when your project is built.
logo.png By you Your connector's logo. When synced with your Workato workspace via workato push, this will be used as the default for your connector's logo image.
master.key Via workato new Stores the encryption key used to encrypt your files. These files can include credentials and other sensitive data, such as environment properties.

Note: Created only if secure was selected during project setup.
README.md By you Used to document what your connector does and how to use it. When synced with your Workato workspace via workato push, this will be used as the default file for your connector's description.
settings.yaml.enc or settings.yaml Stores credentials used for testing the connector. See an example file and learn more here.

Note: If secure was selected during project setup, this will be a .yaml.enc file. Otherwise, this will be a .yaml file.
spec Via workato new Stores RSpec test files. RSpec is a Ruby testing tool that can be used in conjunction with the SDK gem to define, write, and run unit tests for your connector.
spec/connector_spec.rb Via workato new Stores all unit test for the connector. This is the main RSpec file. See an example file and learn more here.

This file may be split into multiple files or folders if it helps you organize your tests. All spec tests can be run using the bundle exec rspec command.
spec/spec_helper.rb Via workato new Stores all commands that should be set up prior to each RSpec run. See an example file and learn more here.
tape_library via RSpec Stores VCR cassettes, which are files that contain all info about recorded API requests and subsequent responses. These requests are essential for stable unit tests. Check out the VCR docs to learn more.
.github By you Applicable if using GitHub. Stores information about your GitHub action workflows.
.gitignore Via workato new Stores the names of files and/or directories that shouldn't be pushed to Git. See an example file and learn more here.

Note: If your project has a master.key, it should be added to this file as per our security best practices.
.rspec Via workato new Stores standard options to pass to RSpec when run. Some example flags:
  • --format documentation - Allows tests to be grouped
  • --color - Enables coloring in the RSpec output
  • --require spec_helper - Tells RSpec runs to require spec_helper.rb prior to every run

# connector_spec.rb

Created when workato new is run, the connector_spec.rb file contains the unit tests for your connector.

An example file might look something like this:

# frozen_string_literal: true

RSpec.describe 'connector', :vcr do
  let(:connector) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Connector.from_file('connector.rb', settings) }
  let(:settings) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Settings.from_default_file }

  it { expect(connector).to be_present }

  describe 'test' do
    subject(:output) { connector.test(settings) }

    context 'given valid credentials' do
      it 'establishes valid connection' do
        expect(output).to be_truthy

      it 'returns response that is not excessively large' do
        # large Test responses might also cause connections to be evaluated wrongly
        expect(output.to_s.length).to be < 5000

    context 'given invalid credentials' do
      let(:settings) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Settings.from_encrypted_file('invalid_settings.yaml.enc'}

      it 'establishes invalid connection' do
        expect { output }
          .to raise_error('500 Internal Server Error')

You can also use workato generate test to generate RSpec test stubs for you. This handles most of the heavy lifting, such as such as instantiating your connector or settings.

It's ultimately up to you how you want to write your unit tests. If you'd like some help getting started, check out this tutorial (opens new window).

# fixtures

The /fixtures folders are used to store the input and output JSON files used to test parts of your connector. This includes actions, triggers, methods, and so on.

Input JSON files should be created and formed manually. You can design them yourself, or use the Cloud SDK's debugger console to build them.

Output JSON files can be created from CLI commands by including the --output option. For example:

workato exec <PATH> --output

Your /fixtures folder might look something like this:

├── fixtures
│   ├── actions
│   │   └── search_customers
│   │       ├── input.json
│   │       └── output.json
│   ├── methods
│   │   └── sample_method
│   │       ├── input.json
│   │       └── output.json
│   ├── pick_lists
│   │   └── dependent
│   │       └── input.json
│   └── triggers
│       └── new_updated_object
│           ├── customer_config.json
│           ├── customer_input_poll.json
│           ├── customer_input_poll_page.json
│           ├── customer_output_fields.json
│           ├── customer_output_poll.json
│           └── customer_output_poll_page.json


# frozen_string_literal: true

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'rspec'
gem 'vcr'
gem 'workato-connector-sdk'
gem 'webmock'
gem 'timecop'
gem 'byebug'
gem 'rubocop' # Only if you want to use rubocop. Not added by default.

# settings.yaml.enc, settings.yaml

The settings.yaml.enc/settings.yaml file stores credentials used for testing. Data in this file must be valid YAML.

# Single credential set

If you only have one set of credentials, they can be defined at the root level:

api_key: valid_key
domain: valid_domain

# Multiple credential sets

If you have multiple sets of credentials, your settings file should be structured similarly to the following:

  api_key: valid_key
  domain: valid_domain
  api_key: invalid_key
  domain: invalid_domain

# spec_helper.rb

Created when workato new is run, the spec_helper.rb file stores common attributes to be used in RSpec runs.

This file should require, at a minimum:

  • 'bundler/setup'
  • 'workato-connector-sdk'
  • 'json'

Learn more about additional RSpec configuration here in the RSpec repository (opens new window).

The following example shows the spec_helper.rb file that's created when the secure HTTP mocking behavior is selected for a project.

This file will encrypt all VCR recordings using the project's master.key.

However, by default the record mode for secure is none. This means that no new VCR cassettes will be recorded. To change this behavior, the VCR_RECORD_MODE environment variable to once.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'bundler/setup'
require 'json'
require "webmock/rspec"
require "timecop"
require "vcr"
require "workato-connector-sdk"
require "workato/testing/vcr_encrypted_cassette_serializer"
require "workato/testing/vcr_multipart_body_matcher"

RSpec.configure do |config|
  # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure
  config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status"

  # Disable RSpec exposing methods globally on `Module` and `main`

  config.expect_with :rspec do |c|
    c.syntax = :expect

VCR.configure do |config|
  config.cassette_library_dir = "tape_library"
  config.hook_into :webmock
  config.cassette_serializers[:encrypted] = Workato::Testing::VCREncryptedCassetteSerializer.new
  config.register_request_matcher :headers_without_user_agent do |request1, request2|
    request1.headers.except("User-Agent") == request2.headers.except("User-Agent")
  config.register_request_matcher :multipart_body do |request1, request2|
    Workato::Testing::VCRMultipartBodyMatcher.call(request1, request2)
  config.default_cassette_options = {
    record: ENV.fetch('VCR_RECORD_MODE', :none).to_sym,
    serialize_with: :encrypted,
    match_requests_on: %i[uri headers_without_user_agent body]

# .gitignore

The .gitignore file contains a list of files and/or directories that shouldn't be pushed via Git.

Note: If your project has a master.key file, you should add it to this file to ensure it isn't accidentally committed to a repository.


# rspec failure tracking

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 6:18:20 PM