# Dashboard update: Changes to failed and retried jobs report

The Dashboard reports functionality for failed jobs and job retries is changing. Workato is transitioning all customers to the new behavior by March 15, 2024. Find out more about the new method for reporting failed and retried jobs.

# New method of reporting failed and retried jobs

With the new behavior, the graph and job counts at the top of the Dashboard do not include retried jobs. Each job is only counted once, regardless of how many times it was retried, and the entire Dashboard consistently reflects the job's most recent status in a time period.

  • If a job succeeded on its most recent run, it is reported as a single successful job.
  • If a job failed on its most recent run, it is reported as a single failed job.

As a result, the failed jobs count at the top of the Dashboard only reflects jobs that are currently in a failing status.

The following image shows the Dashboard with the new behavior:

Dashboard showing new behavior Dashboard showing new behavior

# Previous method of reporting failed and retried jobs

Previously, the graph and job counts at the top of the Dashboard included all retried jobs in a time period, whether each retried job succeeded or failed. As a result, the information at the top of the Dashboard could differ from the information at the bottom, as shown in the following image:

Dashboard showing previous behavior Dashboard showing previous behavior

# Impact of the change

These updates make the information at the top of the Dashboard consistent with the per-recipe report at the bottom.

The updates also make the Dashboard's information more actionable, because it is easier to see which jobs are currently failing and need attention.

Note that the changes to the Dashboard do not impact the job history or how tasks are counted.

Last updated: 3/8/2024, 12:13:01 AM