# Manage project properties
Project properties exist at the project level in the settings interface. To access project properties, open one of your projects. Then, navigate to Settings > Project properties. This interface enables you to perform the following actions:
# Create a project property
To create a project property:
Navigate to Projects.
Select a project.
Navigate to Settings > Project properties.
Click Add new property.
Enter a Property name and Value. Make sure you choose a unique name for this property.
Click ✓ (checkbox) to save your property.
Save your new project property
When you create a project property, choose a name that is descriptive and unique to that property. Workato prevents you from creating multiple project properties with the same name.
When you attempt to create multiple project properties with the same name, Workato displays a warning message and does not allow you to save the property.
Duplicate names error
# Edit a project property
To edit a project property:
Navigate to Projects.
Select a project.
Navigate to Settings > Project properties.
Hover over the property you plan to edit until the edit and delete icons appear.
Click edit.
Edit your property.
Click ✓ (checkbox) to save your changes.
# Delete a project property
To delete a project property:
Navigate to Projects.
Select a project.
Navigate to Settings > Project properties.
Hover over the property you plan to edit until the edit and delete icons appear.
Select the delete icon.
Click Delete.
Delete a project property
# Delete a project property used in a recipe
When you delete a project property that is used in one or more recipe(s), it creates an error in all recipes that use that property.
When this happens, Workato displays the following message in the recipe editor of the affected recipe(s), notifying you to replace invalid datapills:
Replace invalid datapills
Last updated: 9/13/2023, 3:21:36 PM