# Embedded API - Customer managers

Use the following endpoints to programmatically manage customer managers.

# Quick reference

Type Resource Description
GET /api/customer_managers List all customer managers.
PUT /api/customer_managers/:id Update a customer manager.
POST /api/customer_managers Create a new customer manager.
DELETE /api/customer_managers/:id Delete a customer manager.

# List customer managers

Returns a list of all customer managers in an Embedded partner's account.

For customer managers with access to all workspaces in the Embedded partner's account, moderated_workspaces is an empty array ([]).

GET /api/customer_managers

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/customer_managers' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' 

# Response

    "result": {
        "items": [
                "id": 1234,
                "user": {
                    "id": 4321,
                    "name": "ACME-HR",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar_url": "https://example.com"
                "privilege_group": {
                    "id": 247,
                    "name": "Customer Admin",
                    "system": false
                "moderated_workspaces": [
                        "id": 27123,
                        "name": "Nutech"
                        "id": 29456,
                        "name": "ACME USA"
                "id": 5678,
                "user": {
                    "id": 8765,
                    "name": "ACME Corp.",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar_url": "https://example.com"
                "privilege_group": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Admin",
                    "system": true
                "moderated_workspaces": []

# Update a customer manager

Update a customer manager's role in an Embedded partner's account.

PUT /api/customer_managers/:id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
The ID of the customer manager whose role you plan to update.

# Request body

Name Type Description
role_id string
The role that you plan for the customer manager to have.
permitted_workspace_ids array of integers The list of workspace IDs where the customer manager should have the specified role, according to the role_id you provide.

If omitted or set to an empty array ([]), this parameter grants the customer manager the specified role in all workspaces in the Embedded partner's account.

# Sample request

curl  -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/customer_managers/1234' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'\
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "role_id": "2",
            "permitted_workspace_ids": [29456,27123]

# Response

    "result": {
        "id": 1234,
        "user": {
            "id": 4321,
            "name": "Alex",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "avatar_url": ""
        "privilege_group": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Admin",
            "system": true
        "moderated_workspaces": [
                "id": 29456,
                "name": "ACME USA"
                "id": 27123,
                "name": "Nutech"

# Create a customer manager

Creates a new customer manager in an Embedded partner's account.

POST /api/customer_managers

# Request body

Name Type Description
team_collaborator_id string
The collaborator's ID.
role_id string
The role that you plan for the customer manager to have.
permitted_workspace_ids array of integers The list of workspace IDs where the customer manager should have the specified role, according to the role_id you provide.

If omitted or set to an empty array ([]), this parameter grants the customer manager the specified role in all workspaces in the Embedded partner's account.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/customer_managers' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "team_collaborator_id": 4321,
            "role_id": 2,
            "permitted_workspace_ids": [29456]

# Response

    "result": {
        "id": 1234,
        "user": {
            "id": 4321,
            "name": "Alex",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "avatar_url": ""
        "privilege_group": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Admin",
            "system": true
        "moderated_workspaces": [
                "id": 29456,
                "name": "ACME USA"

# Delete a customer manager

Delete a customer manager from an Embedded partner's account.

DELETE /api/customer_managers/:id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
The ID of the customer manager.

# Sample request

curl  -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/customer_managers/1236' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

    "result": "ok"

Last updated: 1/29/2024, 5:34:10 PM