# AI gateway collection
An AI gateway collection is a collection of exposed endpoints dedicated for use with LLMs, GPTs, or other AI applications. This exposure enables AI applications to take actions on your behalf.
AI gateway collections provide a configurable authorization mechanism between Workato and the AI agent to keep your requests secure. You can also upload your OAS from Workato to prevent additional processing for your AI agents.
# AI gateway features
AI gateway collections provides the following features:
AI gateway collections allow you to specify an authorization mechanism between Workato and the AI agent to keep your requests secure.
AI gateway collections allow you to upload you OpenAPI Specification (OAS) from Workato to prevent additional processing for your AI agents.
# Create an AI gateway collection
Refer to Create an AI gateway collection for more a step-by-step guide.
Last updated: 7/24/2024, 10:20:58 PM