# AI gateway collection

An AI gateway collection is a collection of exposed endpoints dedicated for use with LLMs, GPTs, or other AI applications. This exposure enables AI applications to take actions on your behalf.

AI gateway collections provide a configurable authorization mechanism between Workato and the AI agent to keep your requests secure. You can also upload your OAS from Workato to prevent additional processing for your AI agents.

# AI gateway features

AI gateway collections provides the following features:

  • AI gateway collections allow you to specify an authorization mechanism between Workato and the AI agent to keep your requests secure.

  • AI gateway collections allow you to upload you OpenAPI Specification (OAS) from Workato to prevent additional processing for your AI agents.

# Create an AI gateway collection

Refer to Create an AI gateway collection for more a step-by-step guide.

Last updated: 7/24/2024, 10:20:58 PM