# Testing API endpoints

Workato allows you to test API endpoints, whether they are recipe-based or proxy-based.

# Test a recipe endpoint

If you want to test a recipe endpoint, you must configure the corresponding API recipe first.


Make sure the endpoint's corresponding API recipe is running. You can do this by starting the recipe or enabling the recipe's test mode.


From the API recipe collection page, open the endpoint you want to test.


Recipe-based endpoints must be active before you can test them. If you haven't activated the endpoint yet, select the Inactive toggle in the upper right of the page to change it to Active.

Activate API recipe endpoint Activate API recipe endpoint

For more information about activating endpoints, see Activating or deactivating an endpoint.


Select the Try it out button to the right of the Parameters section.

API recipe endpoint Try it out button Try it out button on an API recipe endpoint


Enter any required path, query, or body parameters in the Parameters section.

The following screenshot shows a recipe endpoint with its required username path parameter filled out:

Entering a path parameter for a recipe endpoint Entering a path parameter for a recipe endpoint


Select Execute to send the test request.

The following screenshot of a recipe endpoint shows a test response with a 200 success code:

Successful test response Successful test response


The Responses section includes an example curl command you can copy and run in your terminal to test the recipe endpoint. Note that before you run the command in your terminal, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create an API client.
  2. Create an access profile to grant the client access to the collection with the recipe endpoint you want to test.
  3. Copy the auth token that was generated when you created the access profile.
  4. Add -H 'api-token: <your-api-token>' to the example curl command yourself. For example:
curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://api.na.workato.com/exampleuser/subscription-api-v1/user/rsloan' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'api-token: 1234567890abcdefgh'

View the Jobs tab for the corresponding recipe to see the test job you just executed. Select the job to see more details, as shown in the following screenshot:

Successful test job details Successful test job details

# Test a proxy endpoint

You can test a proxy endpoint immediately after you create the collection from an OpenAPI specification because Workato simply forwards the request to the specified target URL.


Create an API client if you don't already have one.


Create a new access profile or edit an existing one to give the API client access to the API proxy collection containing the endpoint you want to test.


From the API proxy collection page, open the endpoint you want to test and navigate to the Test tab.


Select the Try it out button in the Parameters section:

API proxy endpoint Try it out button API proxy endpoint Try it out button


Enter any required path, query, or body parameters in the Parameters section.

The following screenshot shows a proxy endpoint with its required orderId path parameter set to the value 1:

Entering a path parameter for a proxy endpoint Entering a path parameter for a proxy endpoint


In the Authentication box, select the Edit token button:

Slect the Edit token button Select the Edit token button


Select an authentication method from the Auth method picklist and enter the access or auth token for your client in the Token field.


Select Set token to confirm the auth token.


Select Execute to send the test request.

The following screenshot of a proxy endpoint shows a test response with a 200 success code and a downloadable response body:

Successful test response Successful test response


The Responses section includes an example curl command you can copy and run in your terminal. Note that you must add -H 'API-TOKEN: <your-API-TOKEN>' to the command yourself. For example:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://api.na.workato.com/exampleuser/store/order/1' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'api-token: 1234567890abcdefgh'

# Errors

If the response value is not 2XX, the test results in an error. There can be numerous reasons for an error.

The most common error when performing a test from the same account that owns the API recipe is "Invalid request" (400). This usually indicates that the input parameters were incorrect, not all required parameters were supplied, or contained values that are invalid for the target recipe.

If you are configuring an endpoint, proceed to the next section to activate the endpoint.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 6:18:20 PM