# Upload a connector to the community library
Uploading connectors to the community library requires full access to the Connector SDK. If you don't have the required permissions, contact your workspace admin to help you upload the connector to the community library.
Complete the following steps to upload a connector to the community library:
Go to Tools > Connector SDK in the Orchestrate platform.
Select the connector you plan to upload.
Click the connector you plan to upload
Go to the Share tab, then click Share version.
Click Share version
Click Publish connector to open the List on community library dialog.
Click Publish connector
Enter the name of the App this connector is built for. This field is case-sensitive. It will take longer to review your connector if its associated app is not listed in the drop-down menu, as Workato needs time to verify new apps.
The Add details section
Select any relevant tags in the Category tags drop-down menu.
Enter up to three Search keywords separated by commas.
Click the Prevent direct installation toggle if you plan to hide the connector's source code and redirect visitors to your landing page to request connector access.
Provide a Landing Page URL if you enabled Prevent direct installation. The page you link should showcase the connector and provide a clear path to your private sharing link. Go to the Sharing privately using a link section of your connector's Share tab to access your private sharing link.
Read the Workato developer agreement and click the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions.
Read the Workato developer agreement
Click List connector to submit your connector for review.
Wait one business day for your connector to be reviewed. You can monitor the status of your submission in your connector's Share tab. Workato will notify you through your community profile's email when your connector has been reviewed.
Monitor your connector's status
Last updated: 1/28/2025, 10:29:39 PM