# Upload a recipe to the community library
Uploading recipes to the community library requires recipe editing permissions. If you don't have the required permissions, contact your workspace admin to help you upload the recipe to the community library.
Uploading a recipe to the community library consists of two steps:
# Enable recipe sharing
Complete the following steps to enable recipe sharing in your workspace:
Go to Workspace admin > General > Community profile in the Orchestrate platform.
Click the Allow recipes to be published on community toggle.
Click Allow recipes to be published on community
Click Save.
# Upload the recipe
Complete the following steps to upload a recipe to the community library:
Go to the Settings > Sharing page of the recipe you plan to upload.
Click Publish recipe to upload the recipe to the community library.
Click Publish recipe
Monitor your recipe's status in the Sharing with the Workato community section.
Monitor your recipe's status
You can revoke access to this recipe at any time by clicking Unpublish.
Last updated: 1/29/2025, 3:06:55 PM